Forbidden Woods

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Forbidden Woods

They told me not to go,

They told me that I shouldn’t be here,

But now,

In the center of the forest,

I see the hole,

In the center of the trees,

That calls me,

Asks me to come,


I hear the voices,

They say that I’d enjoy life,

With them,


But I feel another voice,

One in my head,

Telling me,

Not to go,

But I couldn’t help myself,

I stumbled,

Into the hole,

I fell,

And fell,

And kept falling,

Finally I hit the bottom,

The voices,

Calling to me,

Belonged to large creatures,

With batwings,

Red eyes,

nd no teeth,

They spoke in English,

And said they welcomed me,

I couldn’t believe what it was that I was seeing,

The rabbit hole,

Called me home,

And I decided that it was there,

That I would stay,

(To Be Continued...)

About The Piece

“Forbidden Woods” is awfully similar to the sound of Forbidden Forest, from Harry Potter. I can promise you though; this story will not be the Harry Potter tale of the past. Come back Wednesday for part two in this trilogy. 

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