Bitter love

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Hi my name is skyler but people call me skai! Im almost 16 and I'm a were wolf. Im the youngest in the pack i have two older brothers.

Jacob: oldest brother doesn't have a mate. 

Trevor: second oldest brother mate is Katie. 

Skyler: thats me and i don't have a mate...... Yet!

My brothers make fun of me cause i don't have a mate but i don't get it cause Jacob doesn't have a mate either,well that makes sense cause he's a jerk!My mom and dad died in a fight with other were wolfs but my brothers would never tell me why or how they died.

My brothers wanted me to join a school but i don't want too. But then my brother said, " why, you don't wan to go to school cause your ugly!" "No! I just don't want too." "Yeah right, i bet you cant even meet a guy cause your so ugly!" He said in a loud way! "Oh yeah, well I'm I'm gonna join the palm beach high school and meet a guy!" "If you do ill let you do anything for a year but don't get your hopes up cause your probably gonna fail!" "Ok! Deal." I said in a proud way. "Well you better get ready for school tomorrow!" He said teasing me. "Yeah yeah!" I yelled at him.

As i woke up in the morning at 6:30 just to get ready for my first day of school. I put on a cute blue strapless dress with black vans, i curled my light brown hair and straightened my bangs, last but not least i put on my makeup i put mascara on my dark blue eyes i put a white shiny lipgloss on my pink lips and blush on my little cheeks.

As i ran down stairs i was running late so i ran to school is was just across the street and i didn't want to be late on my first day of high school. As i was running, i past this guy and he said hey slow down but i kept on i walked into the office i pulled my locker number out of my back pack but i couldn't find my locker until a guy asked me something.

"Hey, I'm hunter gage are you new here?" "Um yeah,oh sorry I'm skyler but most people call me skai!" "Hi its nice to meet you skai!" "You too hunter!" So are you having trouble finding your locker?" "No i got it!" I said in a little voice. "Are you sure?" "Yeah, thanks anyways!" "Yeah, no problem." "Ok well i better get going!" "Ok,bye!" "Bye!"

"Wait!"he turned around and yelled at me. "Yeah?" "Ill see you around right?" "Um yeah." "Ok, um bye!" "Bye!"

As i walked too class i saw hunter in the same class so i decided to try to sit in the seat in front of him. "Is this seat taken?" I asked. "No, go ahead!" "Ok,thanks!"

So i sat right in front of him during class when our teacher came in i turned around and saw him writing on paper. Then he tapped my shoulder and i turned around and he gave me a note he whispered in my ear, "read it!" He said. Then he smiled at me i smiled back and i turned around in my chair and i read the note it said:


"Do you walk home? Well if you do wanna talk?

Yes or no

Circle one

Sincerely: hunter gage


I circled yes and gave the note back to him. He opened it and smiled at me.


As soon a s the bell rings to leave class everyone starts running out of class.

As i turn around i didn't see my back pack so i turned around again and i saw hunter holding my back pack.

"Missing something?" "Not anymore." "Well here you go!" "Thanks!" "No problem!"

As i start walking out of class i see him following me. Once i got out i started walking home.then he caught up to me.

"So are you doing anything this saturday?" "Um i don't know ill have to ask my brother." "Your brother?" "Yeah,my life is...........its just a long story." "I have time!" "I rather not tell its....." "Oh ok I'm sorry." "No its fine, well this is my house right here!" "Oh ok well ill call you!" "Ok heres my number!" "Ill see you at school!" "Ok bye!" "Bye."

As i walk in the door i walk up into my room and i look out the window and i see him still looking at my house and then i saw him smile and walk away.

"Jacob, I'm home!" I yell up stairs to him. Jacob came running down the stairs. "So how was school ugly!" "It was great i met a boy!" "Yeah right your lying!" "No I'm not i have his phone number right here,and he asked me out this saturday!" "Well are you gonna tell him this was all a lie,cause you only did this to prove to me that you can meet a boy?" "Oh no, i totally forgot about that and my 16 birthday is this saturday!" "Haha too bad well i guess ill just tell him at your birthday!" "You wouldn't!" "Watch me!"

"Ugh i hate you!" then i ran up to my room and started crying. So then i called him. Ring ring ring ring, then he picked up. "Hello." "Hey um its skyler." "Oh hey!" "Listen, well im busy on saturday!" "Oh ok." "Im so sorry but I'm having my sweet 16 birthday this saturday!" "No its fine!" "Maybe you can come,well if you want!" "Yeah ok ill be there!" "Ok see you there um bye!" "Bye!"

As i woke up on saturday i said to myself YES I'm 16! Ive been waiting for this moment my whole life! I cant wait for hunter to come.When i woke up i got ready for my party cause it started at 10:00am it was already 9:15! So i took a quick shower and curled my hair,put mascara on,eyeliner on,eye shadow on, and last but not least my lipgloss all shiny. I put on a long silver dress with one side strapless and black sparkly high heels. I cant wait! "Happy birthday sis my second oldest brother said. "Thanks you actually remembered my birthday!" "I couldn't forget your birthday!" "Thanks,i love you!" "I love you to!"

As my oldest brother comes down he totally forgot that its my birthday. "Hi Jacob,maybe wanna say anything to me?" "No,I'm ok!" "Jacob its my birthday!" "Haha ok your funny I'm gonna be downstairs bye!"

How could my brother forget my birthday! Oh well,holy crap its 10:00 hunter should be coming by now. Ring ring my doorbell rings and its hunter! So i run into the bathroom to see how i look.

Then i ran to the door and i opened it he looked at me like i was famous or something!

"Hi!" I said in a little voice. "Hey,um wow!" "Wow what?" "You!" "Oh sorry is it too much?" "No no, your your beautiful!" He mumbled. "Really?" "Yeah!" "Thanks hunter!" "Your welcome,oh and happy birthday!" "Thanks,well come in!"

As we walk into my house i shut my front door behind me. "So who else is coming?" He asked me in a curious way. "Just you!" "What!your not gonna invite anyone else?" "No." "Why its your sweet 16!" "I know but i don't know anyone!" "Oh,um i guess I'm sorry!" "Its weird i know but yeah its ok!" "So what do you want to do?" "Oh i want you to meet someone!" "Um ok!"

As i walked upstairs with him i saw my older brother he gave me a nasty face. I walked into my room with him. As he looked around in my room i had a lot of werewolf pictures and posters!

"So you like were wolfs?" "Kinda!" I said in a weird way. I thought too my self what if he finds out that I'm really a were wolf will he still like me?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2013 ⏰

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