TOW Emma's 16th Birthday

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TOW Emma's 16th Birthday

Emma's POV

It's officially midnight. I am 16. Right away I get a text from my best friend wishing me a happy birthday. I text back, thanking her then go out to the living room and see Mom sitting on the couch.

"Happy Birthday, Emma!" Mom says and pats the seat on the couch next to her. I go over and sit with her. She greets me with a hug and a kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks, mom," I smile. "Can I take my permit test today?"

"We'll see what your father thinks, okay, Em?" Mom smoothes my hair.

"Okay. Where is he, anyway? He normally comes to my room to be the first to wish me a happy birthday."

"Oh, uh, he was just really tired so I let him go to sleep.." Mom giggled.

"Alright. Gross. Thanks, mom. Goodnight." I say and get up to go to bed.

"Goodnight, sweetie." Mom says laughing. "I love you."

"Love you, too," I say as I disappear into my room to go to sleep.

* * *

When I wake up the morning, I rush out to see what kind of birthday breakfast Dad made me. Ever since I can remember he always makes me something special as a birthday breakfast before school.

Right away Dad greets me with a hug. "Happy birthday, princess!"

"Thanks, Daddy," I say and head to my seat at the kitchen table where I see a plate with strawberry pancakes in the shape of the number 16 and a side of bacon. Mom and dad both sit down with me and eat their regular pancakes because, well, it isn't their birthday. "So, Dad," I begin.

"You want to get your permit today?"

"You know me so well." I laugh.

"Ross, I think we should take her."

"Well, Rach, I was getting to that," he starts, causing Mom and me to laugh, "I also think we should take her, so we'll get you out of school early to go."

"Yay!" I squealed and hugged my dad. After breakfast I went to get myself ready for school.

* * *

When I arrived at school, all I could think about was getting out early to get my permit. I spent my morning trying to pay attention, but ended up daydreaming and doodling in my notebooks and looking over my drivers' book. I made it look like I was paying attention though.

Not soon enough, I got the call from the office saying my parents are here to pick me up. I grab the things I need from my locker and meet them at the door.

"Ready for your permit test?" Dad asks.

"You bet!" I smile as we get into the car.

The car ride is mostly silent except for the radio. We pull up to the DMV and I hand the lady at the desk my application. She tells me I can take my test in just a few minutes and that she'll call my name. I go over and wait by my parents.

"Nervous, Em?" Dad asks.

"Not really. I really know this stuff." I reply confidently.

"Okay, what do you do when someone cuts you off on the road?" He asks.

"Well, I'd put on the breaks so I don't get into a crash, and then I'd call the jerk a jerk, and put a certain finger in the air towards him." That one made mom laugh.

"There ya go, sweetie!" Mom says.

"Rachel, please. Emma come on now.."

"Dad it was a joke. Calm down!" I tell him.

A few minutes later the lady calls my name and I go back to take my test. I answer almost every question right and pass the test.

I come out to my parents with my head down.

"What's the matter, Em?" Dad asks.

"I failed it." I say sadly.

"Oh, honey, I'm sorry. We'll come back next week," Mom says.

"No we won't." I say matter-of-factly.

"Why not?" Dad asks.

I hold up my permit. "Because I did pass!" I exclaim. My mom and dad both hug me and we leave.

"Do you want to drive, Em?" Dad asks.

"Yea, sure!" I exclaim and Dad gets in the back.

I pull out of the DMV and start driving on the road for the first time. "Emma, there is a law to follow the speed limit but there isn't a law saying there's a certain amount of time you have to wait to get to it." Mom says.

"I'm sorry, I don't wanna crash into anything." I say and continue 5 mph under the speed limit.

"It's okay, Emma. You're doing great. Your speed is very safe." Dad says from the back seat.

"Oh, please. There's nothing wrong with going the speed limit. Come on, Em, pick up the speed just a little." I do as I'm told and finally make it to our building.

"Alright, Em, here's your first time parallel parking. You got this, babe." Mom reassures me.

"Thanks," I say as I start to park.

"You're a little too close to the car in front of us. Slowly back up just a little." Dad says. I do so.

We get out and into the apparat meant. "Alright, my baby's a permitted driver!" Dad says, making me laugh.

"Okay, is it time for my presents now?" I ask impatiently.

"You're too much like your mom, Emma." Dad says, earning a playful slap from Mom.

"Shut up.. But seriously. Can I have my presents now?"

Mom giggles and goes to get them.

"Thank you!" I smile and start ripping the paper off. My presents consisted of a few new outfits, shoes, and new cases for my phone. I hug Mom an Dad. "Thank you guys so much. My birthday was really great!"

"You're welcome, sweetheart," Dad says.

"We love you, Em." Mom says.

"I love you guys, too."

* * *

A/N: I got the idea for this one shot (obviously) from the episode of Friends, TOW the Vows. You know, the one where Monica lets everyone drive her Porsche except Rachel? I forget how funny that one is sometimes.

Anyway, I started writing this at 1:30 in the morning, and its only 2:18 now, so I wrote this very quickly. Let me know what you think of this silly little piece of writing in the comments and vote and tell your friends!! It's very much appreciated. Thank you guys for reading my stories!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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