Chapter One

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I like the Long Nights Moon the most because the nights are longer, and I get to see the moon more. My name is Magena, and I’m part of the Skidi Band, which is a certain type of Pawnee tribe. All the people in my tribe are stargazers, but not me. I’m a moongazer. It makes sense, since my name means moon in my language. I know the gods gave this name to me for a reason. I feel as if I’m connected to the moon, as if I am the moon. Sometimes if I stare at the moon long enough I can see myself staring right back at me. It’s almost an exact replica of myself, except for the tiny scar right above her left eye.

No one knows about my moon observations, because the moon is my only friend. Sometimes I like talking to her and sometimes she’ll respond by whispering into the wind. My parents told me I had a twin sister who died while my mom was giving birth. People tell me her face was as white as snow, her eyes black as coal. I imagine her in my head as the moon, with dark craters and a pale surface. Sometimes I think the moon is my sister. One time, I told my father while we were eating cooked deer meat, but he replied with an icy stare. From now on, I’ll tell no one else, or they’ll think I’m insane. I already get enough attention while I’m doing chores with the other girls in my tribe. I know they think I’m crazy, and sometimes I agree with them. How could I think the moon was my sister? Even my family thinks I’m crazy ever since I told my dad my theory. Well at least everyone but my mom. I sometimes see her staring at the moon while silently weeping. I know she sees my sister also.

Sometimes I wish I could soar into the sky with the gods and the moon. Maybe I could join my sister and she can tell me about her journey around the earth, and the sights she can see from up in the sky. Maybe she sees someone else and talks to them too. That way she wouldn’t be lonely when I’m asleep. Others think during the day the moon disappears to make room for the sun. But I know the moon is always up, because my sister is always whispering with the wind. She tells me the sun is really rude, and likes to take her spotlight during the day time. This is my least favorite time of day, because I can’t see my sister’s face in the moon.

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