Final chapter

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Hey all! My excuse this time: we moved& no Internet for like a month buut I did have it Written! This is the final chapter): thank you all soo much for reading it! Please please please comment!!&& if you have any story ideas post them on my profile!!(((:

Someone once said you know someones your true soulmate when you natually pass away close to eachothers death, because your hearts are connected and can't live without the other.

I died 1 day after Brian. As bad as this sounds I wish it would have been before, because then I wouldn't have found out that he had died because of the body part he gave to me. I killed brian, and I have to live with that.

8 hours after I can out of my coma the hospital got ahold of my family, they had been 300 miles away at the big hospital with Brian and his family,, they told me everything over the phone, and for the next 24 hours and 16 minutes I was alive it ate my mind and consumed my every thought. I couldn't stop crying. My family didn't make it back intime for my death...they had stopped off for ice cream and were an hour late.

The one thing I learned when I was gone was that I hadn't finished all I had needed to say.

Every once in awhile, on a good day I listen down in and cheak up on my family, it broke my heart to know they had been expecting my death, had known I'd die soon. But they never would have guessed it was from loss of blood, not cancer.

Sometimes I can hear Sam thinking about me, she thinks it's fate how now my and Brian are together. Which I guess is true, I am happy he's here with me but i feel guilty.

It's hard when you die, you get to see everything but you don't get to be apart of it.

My sister got married 8 years later, on the same day as my birthday, she had an extra dress made for me and an extra flower bouquet. She grew up to be a therapest for families with someone who has cancer and is on hospise. She works with children who know there going to die.

My mom and dad sold our big house and moved onto a small 2 bedroom 1 bathroom home and donated all the extra money to the Suzan b. Anthony fund to help find a cure for cancer. Briana family followed, they moved right next door., Brians mom ended up in a phyc ward 3 weeks after his and my death, it was too much to handle and she tried to kill herself.

Everything happens for a reason, and because of that you should do everything you might reget because I've learned you never know what's gonna happen, And you never will.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2011 ⏰

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