Him. {A Love Story}

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Chapter One.

a Madison Alamia Love Story

The bell rang for spring break and I literally jumped 4 feet into the air. This was the vacation of my dreams. First I was traveling to Washington with my dance studio to perform at Jam Fest, and then I was coming back and jetting off to Florida with my family. Needless to say, life couldn't get any better.

"Hey Sarah!" My best-friend Lauren came running towards me. "I'm so excited for tonight!"

"Oh goodness gracious you don't even know how long I've been waiting." A smile spread across my face. I'd actually been waiting quite a few years to get invited to Jam Fest. For the past two years I'd been numbers two and five, respectively, on the wait list. But, with my training over the summer I made it in this time with plenty of places to spare. "Promise me you'll save me a spot on the plane?"

"Of course you late-so." Lauren hit me on my arm, I was notorious of always being tardy, and my arrival time at the airport would probably be no different. "Just make sure your wearing something hot so we can score guys on the plane." I sighed, Lauren was obsessed with hooking up with boys she'd never even talked to before. It's like her crazy addiction.

After I had packed up all my bags, and thrown on my 'hot' travel outfit of just skinny jeans and an oversized sweatshirt, i lugged my million totes out to my dads car. I was a cronic over packer and always had too many 'loss parts' of my luggage (so my parents told me), leading them to feel the need to not even help me carry any of the excess suitcases around. Once he dropped me off at the airport, I met up with Lauren, who looked amazing as normal, and the rest of my dance crew.

On the plane Lauren did the regular check and to her dismay found no suitable mates. I, on the other hand was relieved. We were only in seventh grade, 13 for gods-sake, and she was strutting around getting with as much people as possible. It didn't help that she was drop dead gorgeous and the most popular girl in the whole middle school. You would think I would be just like her, one of her little minions, but the reason she and i are bestfriends is because I'm the only one who doesn't bow down at her feet (well at least in the group of 'acceptables' as she puts it), and I guess that makes for a great friendship. Not. However, she is really supporting and has her moments of being down to earth - making her a good friend to have on your side.

The plane landed in Seattle at 11PM and we all went directly to our hotel rooms to sleep for the long day ahead.

"Sarah!" I woke up to Lauren pounding me with a pillow. The clock read 6:35...not even seven yet?

"Laur!" I screamed. "This is vacation not army camp! Go back to sleep." However, she continued to hit me and squeal annoyingly. "What?!?" I threw back the covers in frustration.

"Famous people are going to be at Jam Fest!"

"uh-yeah." I shrugged. "there's always people there from like Katy Perry's world tour or something.

"No!" She jumped making the whole bed rattle. "The new teams from America's Best Dance Crew!"

This time, I was the one who jumped. "As in the teams AND judges?" Lauren nodded. "AHHHHHHHH!" I squealed. I had had a crush on D-Trix (the new judge) ever since he was first on ABDC, and swore on my life we were going to get married. I wasn't prepared to meet my future husband today. "I have nothing to wear!"

"Ha. Don't worry about that. You've got my sexy casual wardrobe right here sister." Thank the Lord we were the same size. I eventually settled on wearing my skinny black leather jeans with my doc matrins. I borrowed all of Lauren's tribal jewelry and her cutout t-shirt.

Lauren walked into the bathroom. "Damn sexy. If I weren't straight I'd bang you." Lauren also talked and used language which some 21 year olds would be a bit on edge hearing, but that was just her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2011 ⏰

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