Hidden Reflections (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)

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Hello!! Just a reminder that this account is run by two different people, Janelle and Rachel (@runawaydreammachine). This is our new story and we're both really excited to be sharing it with you! Please don't hesitate to comment what you think and please, ask for a dedication if you'd like one!!

If you haven't already, check out our first story, Silent Call! It's not related to this (HR) in any way, but it's the first one we've written and we're really glad with the responce it's gotten so far. If you have read SC, don't worry, this story is not anywhere close to as down and upsetting as SC. This one has happier characters with a past that shapes them for who they are now. I hope you enjoy!

- RachelLyn xx

Hidden Reflections ON HOLD (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now