Chapter 1

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“What do you want me to do!?!”  I screamed at him.

I was in the middle of the palace chambers, having a “talk” with my father…the king. My name is Riveara, and I’m the farthest thing from the perfect little princess. I’m 17 with long wavy/curly black hair, blacker than the night sky, and dark brown, almost black eyes. And yes, the rumors are true, I’m a vampire. All of the royal families of the areas are in fact, though the general public is not privy to that information. Many people have told folk tales and stories about how long we have been alive, some saying we’re gods and others thinking we signed our souls over to the devil. Honestly I don’t know which it is; I’m just along for the ride.

“I want you to act like the princess you are, Riveara. You’re the only heir to the throne; your brother has chosen to run from his responsibility.”  He yelled at me.

            I closed my eyes. My brother’s choice had brought serious shame to my father…and of course he hasn’t let it go. Andrew had done the smart thing, he got out when he still had the chance. I intend on following in his footsteps as soon as possible. My father doesn’t know, and I don't intend on him finding out until I am gone. I know it isn’t necessarily the smartest choice but it’s the best one for me. I don’t belong locked inside a castle to be dressed up like a doll in beautiful gowns and jewelry. I am not just a woman to be given a title and zero power. I belong on the field protecting the people I love, doing the right thing for my people. Not sitting and doing nothing when I have my affinities. I can heal people and I never miss a target. I can also read people’s souls. It’s more than mind reading; it’s like looking into who they really are. Every hope and dream and want they’ve ever had is spilled into me. It is a ver helpful skill but it can also be overwhelming enough to knock you on your ass. And of course, just like any other vampire the power to compel. Unfortunately it’s a lot to deal with…

“What’s going through that mysterious head of yours my daughter? I know this is not the life you want but this is the life you were rightfully born into. This is the path the gods intended for you.”  He said softly.

“Nothing…” I said uselessly.

“Sweetheart you cannot lie to me. You know I see the truth.”  He said looking at me curiously.

            He could actually see the truth, lies danced in beautiful colors around him, making it very hard for me to lie to him. He could never decipher my head though. Most people can’t, and the two people who could are gone….

“I’m just tired of being in here father. I need some fresh air…”  I said as I slightly bowed to him before walking out.

            That was stupid of me…I thought as I walked to my room. I turned down the busy corridors silently as guests and visitors bowed to me. Some whispered as I passed, saying things that I’d rather not hear today. I turned down the corridor that led to my room all too fast when I ran into Prince William.

            “Where you runnin off to so fast ?” he laughed as he caught me.

“Just out to ride.”  I said as I stepped slightly out of his arms to avoid being stared at.

He smiled down at me. William is about 5 inches taller than me, with light brown hair and dark blue eyes. He is well built and attractive, as a prince should be. Unlike most princes though he is more rugged. He has had the chance to experience the world because his gift is equestrianism. Any horse that he calls upon will be as tame as a kitten in his gaze. He adores this gift more than he tells anyone but me.

“Let me come?” He whispered softly.

He was supposed to be one of the men my father is considering marrying me off to. That is if I even stay long enough to do that, and I’m definitely not.

“Sure” I huffed back.

He understood that I wasn’t like other women. I know the fact puzzled him, but it kept him more intruiged than most of the men my father spoke to. Of course he is nothing like Bra-. I stopped myself. I can not-no, I will not think about him...Not now. Not when I have no idea where he is. Not when he….

“Princessa wait! Princessa!” a woman called after me, luckily interrupting my thought process.

I turned and sighed as Emyrl the royal seamstress ran up breathlessly. She bowed and looked only slightly surprised to see me with William. I had completely forgotten about the fitting for my dress for the ball tonight.

            “Sorry your majesties but, Princessa you must come for your fitting.” She said as respectful as possible.

She had become used to my not showing up, and she always knew how to find me. It became a sort of tradition between us. She was the only person I was close enough in the palace to have traditions with anymore. She had been around my whole life, making my antics a usual occurance for her.

            “But I…” I said uselessly.

            “Seamstress Emryl, I take full responsibility for her absence. I haven’t had a chance to see her today. Do you mind rescheduling?” He said in the most compellingly sweet voice.

            “I suppose…be here as soon as you are finished.” She sighed, bowed and turned away.

I stood in shock as he softly took my hand and lead me out the side door. I smiled and followed him, forgetting completely about Emyrl and the thoughts she interrupted.  We walked hand in hand until we reached the barn. It was very busy today because of all the guests for the ball. One by one they stopped what they were doing to bow at us. I slightly nodded to each of them and smiled. To my people I was nice and supportive, even as they whispered things when I was out of ear shot, or so they thought. That, of course, is perfectly natural. A young woman should not act as I do, but I enjoy breaking rules and my people have seemed to notice. I just hope my last rule breaking will not ruin me…

            “Good morning Penelope” Will whispered to his tall light brown mare. She nuzzled his hand in response.

            “Hey Shadow” I said as I hugged mine. He neighed in happiness as always.

            We quickly saddled up and went riding. The handlers watched as we rode out of the stalls at a slow trot. But as soon as I hit the opening to the doors we took off at a full run, straight into the town. People jumped out of the way and little girls giggled as we rode past. The front guards saw us approaching, and my favorite guard Gray stepped in front of the gate.

            “Lovely day for a ride princess…” He said smiling and laughing.

            “That it is Gray. Would you mind opening the gate?” I replied smiling.

            He sighed. “Your father is going to be angry that I let you leave with so little time left before the ball…”

            “ehh, I’ll be back in time. I promise.” I said deviously.

            “Well I can’t deny a request by your highness,” He laughed, and then yelled “Open the gates for the Princessa and her company!”

             "Thankyou!" I called as we raced out of the view of the castle, out of view of all the people expecting me to be the next queen...


Thanks for reading this chapter , please let me know what you think. Im up for any suggestions. I seem to have lost readers as the story progressed so please let me know what you think as you read it, that'd be great (:

~ Briana 

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