How To Blackmail A Bad Boy

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H o w t o B l a c k m a i l a B a d B o y | P r o l o g u e

Copyrighted © 2013 @LiLLyCoOLeSt1. All Rights Reserved.

A/N: The full story is available on Radish! These are THREE FREE CHAPTERS.
Just search up the story's name on there and don't forget to subscribe to it! It will be edited & polished!
I've gotten so much hate for moving this story onto Radish, and I would like to apologize, however I had already made my decision. I am not ALLOWED to post this story on here anymore.
I write on Wattpad for free, which I enjoy doing. However, earning an income from writing on Radish, which helps support me and my brother's tuition. So I have chosen this book to be put on sale. Please do understand my decision.
I would like to thank you for the support  ❤️ my other works are still available for free.
-All hate comments will be removed.-
"And students, for our honor roll assembly today; there was only one student who managed to get a 4.0 this quarter." All the students in the award hall were quiet, waiting for the principal to continue with his speech. "Let's all give a big hand to Lauren Worthington for her hard work and dedication!''

I smiled proudly while getting up from my seat. Most people were cheering for me while the others were just sending me death glares, but I just ignored the jealous people. They just wish they were as smart as me.

I walked up to the principal who was standing up on the stage and shook his hand before getting my certificate. "Congratulations Ms. Worthington." The principal beamed at me.

I thanked him politely and went back to my seat with my certificate.

My friends gave me high fives and pats on the backs when I went back to my seat. One of my best friends, Travis gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek for tradition. And I wiped it off after like all the other times he kissed me on the cheek.

He put his hand over in chest in mock hurt, but I just rolled my eyes at him and started talking to my other friends around me. I was well known in Oakland High. You could call me popular if you wanted to, but I really didn't like that term.

I didn't like judging people from the amount of attention they get, their looks, or the number of friends they have. It's just wrong. I like being on the school's radar in a way, but I would never admit it. I loved attention but I wasn't one of those attention whores.

I didn't ask for attention 24/7. As long as everyone knew what I looked like and what my name was, I was okay. I flipped my chocolate brown hair over my shoulder and started chatting away with my friend Malory who was seated right next to me, Malory was Travis's twin and she was head cheerleader.

I used to be on the cheerleading team, but I quit. It wasn't because I didn't like it; in fact I enjoyed practice and gossiping with the girls. It was just that I didn't have enough time to do my homework and keep up my social life.

"And he was like 'you're joking right'?" Malory finished off her story and we both started to giggle like middle school girls.

I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around to face Jordan. Jordan had blonde hair, long enough to cover his eyes. His eyes shone emerald green and he had a cute smile that could melt any girl's heart.

Any girl, but me.

He was simply a friend to me and we got that clear. I would write poems for him to give to girls; he would invite me over to his place for pizza night. It was that simple, the little routine we've had going on since middle school.

"Sup Lawrence?" I asked smirking at him.

He scowled playfully at me, but he couldn't keep the smile from his eyes. "Don't call me that." He complained, trying to sound tough.

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