1 | ashton

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I twirled the pencil in my hand and tapped my fingers against the desk in front of me. Last period couldn't go by any slower.

"And that," Mr. Walton explained, "Is how you apply the quadratic formula." He began to hand out worksheets for our homework.

With ten minutes left in class, I decided to take a look at the problems on the sheet. Nothing made sense, big surprise there.

I leaned over to the kid next to me who was some math genius and said, "Hey, do you know how to do these?"

He turned his head towards me and nodded. He began to explain how to work the problems out.

"Irwin, Hemmings," Mr. Walton scolded loudly. "No talking."

I sighed and began tapping my pencil again. I stared at the worksheet, trying to work it out in my head. The numbers and letters jumbled together.

I rubbed my eyes and turned back to the kid next to me. "Can you help me again?"

He quietly began to explain again how to do the worksheet. And again, we were interrupted by Mr. Walton standing at our desks.

"Talking again, you two?"

His gaze was cold and hard. I couldn't stop tapping rhythms against my thighs. "Sir, he was just helping me," I tried to explain.

Walton raised his eyebrows. "So you were cheating, huh?"

"No!" The kid next to me exclaimed. "Of course not!"

"I don't need any lip from you two. Cheating is not accepted in this school," Mr. Walton said sternly. "Both of you, detention today until five." With that, he strode back to his desk.

I slumped down in my seat as the final bell rang. Looks like I wasn't going anywhere for a few hours.


heeeeyyyyyy guys!

so new fanfic ay :)

these chapters are gonna be pretty short and told in all of the boys' perspectives

also im not going to update this that often until i finish my luke fanfic

but yeah sorry things are moving kinda slowly in this chapter but they will pick up in a few chapters!

thanks for reading,
-ava :)

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