Cheshire Loves Me

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Cheshire's plush arms embraced me warmly. "Cheshire?" He smiled an' his words tickled my ear, "Hello." I hugged his arms, fellin' fluffy inside. "Cheshire wanted to say hi." He said lightly.

There was a knock on the door, "Bear, we're ready to go." Cheshire suddenly looked sad, "Are you leaving Cheshire alone?" I sighed, "no...not today." I smiled as he let go of me. Turnin' to the door I said, "I'm not goin'." There was no response.

I sat on the bed, an' Cheshire sat next to me, carefully holdin' my hand. I looked at him, at his one eye. A small red orb stared back at me. "'re making Cheshire blush." I leaned towards him, he blushed even more. "St-stop...!" His ears went flat against his head, hidin' beneath his hair. I felt my cheek grow hot, an' quickly planted a kiss on his cheek. Then hid my face from his view. That fluffy feelin' came back. I sneaked a peak at him, he stared at me dreamily.

His plush hands held my face, "Bear is Cheshire's best friend, but Cheshire wants to be more than friends with Bear." I held his hands on my face, "Cheshire..." Before I could even think of a response he pounced on me, "Ah! Wait!" His cold tears fell on my shoulder. "Bear is special to Cheshire. Cheshire doesn't want to to share Bear with anyone." I looked up at the ceiling, "Cheshire? Are you sad?" He was silent, "Che-" I called him again, but I was cut short by the feelin' of his tongue on my neck. I wanted to tell him to stop, but when I opened my mouth to speak, his hand covered it. He raised himself above me, "Shh, let Cheshire take care of you."

I closed my eyes an' started to cry, "Everything that hurts you. Everything that makes you sad,  Cheshire will destroy them all." He removed his hand from my mouth, an' kissed me softly. "Cheshire loves you." I slowly wrapped my arms around him, his claws gripped the sheets with nervousness. I pulled him on top of me, closein' the space between us. With tears in my eyes I told him, "I love you too." 

My tears fell in steady streams, but Cheshire licked them away. "Ch-Cheshire?" He kissed me softly again, "Cheshire will protect you." My cheeks grew hot, an' turned red.

I wanted to kiss him back, but I refused to follow my urges. I was still, huggin' him in the position we were. He clunked of foreheads together an' whispered, "Do you want Cheshire to stop?" I didn't want to but I said yes, he looked at me in an understandin' manner. The bell around his neck rang as he sat up. He lick his arms, like a real cat. Of course 'cos he's a cat.

I held his hand, "You know I love you Cheshire..." He stopped lickin' an' closed his eyes. "Prove it to Cheshire." I looked away nervously. Cheshire stood up an' started to walk away, "Cheshire wait!" He turned around an' looked at me angrily, "What does Cheshire have to do! Cheshire loves Bear, Cheshire will protect Bear! What does Bear love more than Cheshire!?" I was shocked by his out burst but instead of yellin' back I grabbed his scarf an' pulled him into a kiss, "shhh, don't talk, just feel." I looked into his one eye, drownin' in his gaze. Holdin' me warmly, he pushed me close to the wall. His over sized plush hands scratched the wall.

I tried to speak though the kisses, "Che-" but I couldn't, Cheshire took over the kiss an' his lips were all over mine. He paused to speak though, but with tears in his eye, "Cheshire's sorry. Cheshire didn't mean to yell at Bear." I kissed him again, "It's okay..." Pushin' my body completely against the wall, he growled. My legs became wobbly with nerves, how far did he want to go? I squeezed my eyes shut as our lips parted again, "Is Bear scared?" I nodded. "Is Bear scared of Cheshire?" My voice was shaky as I spoke, "N-no." I sighed, "I'm scared...of what we might do."

"Do you want Cheshire to stop?" I opened my eyes, touchin' his face gently. "No." Cheshire's burgundy hair, tickled my face as he lowered his head to lick my neck. I covered my mouth to hold back the noises I made. One of the sharp claws on his finger moved my hands away, "ah..." I let out a small yelp as he bit down on my collar bone. He licked the spot where he bit to soothe it. I bit my bottom lip to stop it from shakin'.

I felt soft palms massage my thighs. He was tryin' to comfort me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissin' his forehead. He licked under my chin, "Is Bear okay?" My shaky voice responded, "Y-yeah. Cheshire....?" He looked at me calmly. "Yes?" His ears moved, perkin' an' goin' flat. "I.... I love you!" I started to cry. Cheshire's one eye began to water. His tail waved an' his ears stayed flat. He let me go, "Cheshire...loves you too." Kissin' me softly he held my hands an' smile, "Bear should smile. Smile for Cheshire." Through my tears I managed to smile. Not because I wanted to, but because Cheshire asked me too.


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