Dammit, Jade

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Monday, May 18, 2015 12:30 PM , Althea Guevarra's Condominium Unit

At least the raging storm would provide her with a good night's sleep. It would be the only check in the positive category of her entire day.

Ever since she was a child, Althea loved when it rained hard at night, just before she crawled into bed. Storms were exciting to her. She never feared the dark, nor the loud, rumbling of angel drums. Howling winds never rattled her. Nature's most visceral yell that man had no real control over the world gave her a sense of peace that things were the way they were supposed to be in the universe.

Her best nights' sleep came when it poured down like cats and dogs.

Whipping off her dark, soaked blouse, she tossed it onto the hamper, and her keys find its place on the dining table. Having arrived home only ten minutes ago after a hospital visit to her dad, she's exhausted after working a ten-hour shift today. And while she loved her father, his constant barrage of questions about who she's dating, why isn't she in a serious relationship, do you really think it was wise to go into business with two of your friends, how's Jade doing, and how serious is Jade with her beau left her restless and weary. She loved her father dearly, and the last thing she wants to do is to disappoint him.

Sparing a view outside her bedroom window curtain, the predicted storm seemed as powerful and relentless as the weatherman said it would be. Strong gusting winds sprayed droplets against the window glass. Dark, foreboding storm clouds rolled through the heavens as it rained nonstop.

Althea took off her shoes, then stepped out of her pants, and took a quick shower.

After the shower, with semi-damp hair, she waded back to her room. Stretching out onto her bed after a long day, Althea slipped under the covers. At long last, peace and quiet.

Then the phone rang.

Groaning didn't seem to make it stop ringing, and guilt forced her to at least check the Caller-ID. Rolling over, she grabbed her cellphone and looked at the LCD screen.



A quick check of the time, at this late hour something could be wrong. The thought of her being in trouble overwhelmed the annoyance she felt over the call. She slide the phone icon to the right. "Hello?"


Jade sounded softer than she expected, and careful. "It's late. Are you alright?" Jade sighed on the other end, and Althea imagined her chewing her bottom lip, the way she did when she was trying to think of what to say and couldn't come up with anything.

"I'm alright."

"Then why the late call?" she questioned from her position on her back, eyes shut as the rain assaulted the city. She noted that Jade took her own dear, sweet time before replying. She couldn't hear anything... or anyone in the background.

"I need to see you tonight."

Spoken as if she had a right to say those words to her. Althea blinked in the darkness, wondering if she even heard Jade correct. Had she peeked outside recently? "Jade, it looks biblical out there tonight. Why would you need to see me? Are you sure you're alright? Is something wrong?" Another measured pause gave her a reason to sit up in bed. Jade didn't sound like she'd been crying, or was hurt in any way. There was something unmistakably off about her tonight. "Talk to me, Jade."

"It's... complicated. I can explain more when you get here."

She failed in controlling the bite in her tone of voice. "Wouldn't your boyfriend have a problem with me stopping by your place this late?"

"He..." she began, until her voice faded. "If you want me..."

Gritting her teeth, jaw tightened, Althea considered the way she left those words in the air to linger for a long moment, as if a challenge being laid down before her.

"... to give you answers, then you'll have to get them in person. Please."

Suddenly, the phone went dead.

Althea stared at her cellphone, a slow rising anger bubbling inside of her. She wanted to throw it at the wall, smash it into a million pieces, but somehow resisted the impulse. What kind of game was she playing? Her behavior didn't make any sense. Why would Jade need to see her so late tonight, and in the middle of a thunderstorm, nonetheless? She wasn't acting herself.

But she was alone.

All alone.

Alone, without the boyfriend, and she wanted Althea to come to her now. Tonight. She had said please, and that she needed to see her.


With every fiber of her being, Althea hated that she knew Jade desired her. That she had seen in Jade's eyes a thirst for her and her alone. She hated it as passionately as she wanted her.

Three months of building a friendship that had always been so much more than that came with it's share of peaks and valleys. There were times when she seemed happy and content, while others, Althea would catch Jade's gaze upon her and swear a longing lived within her pretty brown eyes. They talked, teased, and flirted as they became comfortable around each other.

True, what she knew of her relationship was the bare bones at best. Jade was matched to David, they'd been dating since high school, separated by Jade's constant travels, back together after Jade's return, she assumed led to more, and the bedroom, she knew for sure, courtesy of a conversation she accidentally overheard that she wished she hadn't. But she didn't know anything deeper than that. Didn't ever hear her tell anyone she was in love. Not one time.

Jade rarely ever brought her boyfriend around their mutual friends.

David Limjoco was a mystery in as many ways as she was in the way. Having lived the past year in no way resembling a monk herself, Althea was fine when she realized that the heiress, unproductive Jade she fell in love with was gone, and the independent slash fierce woman was now in her place.

The problem was, she found herself drawn even more to the woman Jade had become. To her style, and her personality, and how sensual and confident she carried herself. Jade exuded a charm she found irresistible, despite her best efforts.

Neither had ever made a move for anything more meaningful than a polite hug, and yet she felt a dangerous pull between them. Sometimes their teasing banter would degrade so close to temptation they had to leave the room. She never ached for her more than after they had an argument. She was in great shape, and looked fantastic. She had to remind herself that Jade was involved with another man more than a few times to keep from...

Lying in bed with her eyes shut, she fought off the unwanted images of Jade... and her together. She hated that Jade had this kind of power over her. The kind that would make her consider driving all the way across town in a storm Noah would have a hard time navigating his Ark through, and for what? Just because Jade said she needed her? And that she had said please?


"No," she declared to herself, and then rolled over onto her stomach, preparing to fall asleep. Jade could play games with David all she wanted, but not with her. It would be a different story if she was single, but she wasn't. Toying with her only exposed Jade's inner bitch. She didn't need the drama in her life. She didn't need Jade. She refused to be swayed, no matter how weak she knew she'd become if they ever got to close.

Her mind was made up.

She wasn't going.

To be continued.

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