My ranting

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    Lately it's been so hard to find happiness, if I am not lacking on grades, I feel alone, I feel stressed, I feel just an emptiness inside of me. I don't like to complain, I know I could have it much worse. Why is being 14 so hard? Half the time I feel like I am just over exgagerating, I could be the kid who works by himself in groups in classes, or the one no one like has ANY urge to talk to. I try to remind myself that, but I always feel sad. Just empty. Not half full, as I would like to  look at it.

     I do photo edits, listen to music, text my close friends, there's this girl Trinity who I relate to alot, and she talks with me and makes me happier a bit. And Heather, we are just close like sisters, I do not think she gets what I feel, just has a way with words... She should be like a counselour when she gets older.

   But my edits are cool, I would love to actually do something with editing when I am older as a job of some sort. I listen to music all the time, and ALWAYS on the internet, or as I like to call "interweb" Im weird, as everyone says. I am addicted to my iPod touch and facebook, I get mad at myself for being on it so much. Mainstream people aggitate me. Like no, stop.

    I enjoy making people laugh, It gives me some kind of enjoyment.  I post a ton of memes on my facebook, I spam newsfeeds. 

    This wasn't really a story, this is like my first day here, just "My ranting" 

By the way, the cover is one of my edits... 

   Sorry for wasting your time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2013 ⏰

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