Chapter Ten: The Dangers of Falling In Love

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A/N: For some reason, this chapter didn't show up even after I posted this last night. It also showed it got some votes but it's not showing up properly, just on the total. Please vote again if you did before and it's still letting you because the last ones may have gotten deleted. Thank you!


"Jake, I love you forever and ever."

He smiled and rolled his eyes at me just as I stole a couple more gummy bears from the small pack he'd snuck into the wedding rehearsal two days later.

It was late in the morning and Shelly had been making us run through the ceremony sequence in the past hour and a half. The wedding entourage of about twelve people were there at the small private chapel, including the groom of course who only talked to me when necessary.

It was fine by me. I still wasn't happy with Brandon since our fight at his father's house but I was determined to fulfill my role as the perfect wife diligently doing her duties, including bearing the rehearsal with him with civility and a smile on my face. I was sure that the people close to us like Martin and Jake wouldn't miss the strain between us but Martin was very subdued while Jake did his best to keep me company and lighten up my mood. Hence, the gummy bears. 

"Do you love me enough to ditch this fancy wedding and run away with me?" Jake asked with a mock-serious expression on his face.

I choked on the candy and he gently clapped my back. 

"Don't blurt that out to random girls, Jake," I said with a laugh after I caught my breath and cleared my throat. "Someone might actually take you up on it."

He grinned. "I only ask it from girls I actually want answers from."

"Did you get a yes each time?" I asked, playing along and popping another gummy bear into my mouth.

He shrugged. "I don't know. You're the only one and you haven't given me an answer yet."

Warmth crept on my cheeks and I was about to respond when someone cleared their throat loudly behind us.

Brandon was standing there without expression, barely acknowledging his friend. I tensed up.

We had been given a fifteen-minute break and Jake plied me with gummy bears. Not too long ago, I saw Brandon taking a phone call and pacing away at the front steps of the chapel. I hoped to God he hadn't been standing there for too long because I didn't want to get into another fight with him about Jake who despite his flirtations, was relatively harmless.

Less harmless to my heart anyway.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked gamely, giving him a slight smile. 

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" he said, gesturing to the side entrance of the chapel. 

I opened my mouth to ask what for but quickly realized that Jake was standing there, watching our exchange. It would be awfully confusing if my fiance needed a whole whack of reasons to just talk to me for a minute. I was marrying the guy after all. I should at least be able to talk to him.

"The break will soon be over though," I said, stalling just a little bit, glancing at the wedding planner who was busy giving directions to the choir director. 

One of Brandon's brows arched. "I'm sure she won't start without the bride and the groom. We won't be long."

"Okay, sure." I nodded and thrust Jake the half-empty pack of candy. "I'll see you in a little bit, Jake. Guard my loot for me."

"With my life," he assured me with a grin, pressing the pack to his chest. 

I laughed and turned to Brandon whose eyes narrowed just a tiny bit. I sobered up, bracing for a scolding but he said nothing. He just pressed a hand on the small of my back which I fought hard not to react to, steering me to the door.

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