Chapter 1

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~Roxanne POV~
"Roxanne darling" my mum's voice said while entering my room "what?" "Can you get your brother up for me I really don't want to go in his room" "fine I will get him up and is there something important you want to us." "Yes there is and we want to tell you both together." I knocked on Alex's bedroom door "what do you want roxie?" "Mum and dad wants to talk to us come down please." "Ok then"
We walked on the spiral stairs in to the kitchen our mum was making breakfast I said "hi mum and dad you wanted to speak with us." Our mother went "oh yes there was something important we had to tell uses." I and Alex both said "you're not pregnant are you." Mum said "o' god no you two was a handful as it is when you was younger." Dad was chuckling then he said "we are going on a business trip for a couple of years and use will be going to living with old friends of ours they are called Nicole and Richard Jackson." We said "where do they live" dad said "they live in Miami." We said "o' goodie a new school and new people we are going be the freaks again." Mum said "you better get packing your plane leaves in 3 hours." Alex said "fine come on Roxie we better start packing." We starting packing and I got change in this Alex in the same shirt and shoes but he had black pants. I had my hair straight and down and my brother his straights his fringe.
~Skip the airport and the travel~
I and Alex are getting our bags and we have to wait for someone to collect us when we heard "Is that Roxanne and Alexander underwood the children of Carrie and Steven underwood." I looked at Alex and said "shit run." We ran I had all the boys running after me and my brother has all the girls after him then we ran in to each other. But these girls are doing my head in and I bet these boys are doing yours. "All we could hear was can I have a photo with you or can I have your autograph." And then we heard some people were helping us to get away from the crowd. We looked up and there was some bodyguards escorting us out of the airport the others got are bags we got in the black limo and we was going to a mansion and a lady standing outside. When we got out of the limo she ran to us and said " OMG look how big uses have got I remember when you guys were 3 years and yours uses to called me aunty Nicole but you can't call me aunty because it makes me feel old." We said "Yeah we remember you and ok we won't call you Aunty Nicole then." She said "I forgot to mention I have 8 boys and I think they will be inserted in you Roxanne with your mother's designer clothes." I said "wait did you just say you have 8 boys and they might be inserted in me Alex hide me please." Alex said "you're the one who put on the shorts and I will make sure they won't touch you don't worry about it." Nicole said "come on they ain't that bad and let's get inside don't want your fans after you." We said "ok let's see these boys then." Nicole shouted "boys where are you all the guest are here and Richard come here now." All of a sudden there were heavy feet coming from the stairs. Then Richard came down the stairs and when he saw us he ran and gave us tight hugs and then said "Is that really little Roxie and Alex who was 3 years old when saw them Nicole." She just stood there and nodded then he say "hey you two little troublemakers how you doing?" Alex replied "hey Richard and I am not the troublemaker that is all Roxanne's job but I am fine." I said "hey and I am the troublemaker of the family but hey you can't judge me, dad says you and him were the troublemakers before you meant Nicole and he meant mum and I am fine." He said "ok you got me there I was a troublemaker with your father and any who I like you to meet my boys we will start with the youngest first." We said "ok" the little boy walked up to me so I crouched down so I was eye level and Alex did the same and he said " hey I am Dexter Jackson and I am 3 years old but you can call me Dex." I said "hi I am Roxanne and I am 17 years old but you little man can call me Rox and you are just adorable." My brother said "hi I am Alexander and I am 17 but I am 2 minutes older than roxie but you can call me Alex and I have to agree with roxie you are adorable." He looked at me and said "are you two twins and Rox you are really pretty and Alex cans you and Rox be my new best friends." We said "thank you and we love to be your new best friends."
Then a boy called Jeremy and he was 8 years old and then it went to Elijah who was 15 and he started flirting with me and then another boy started to flirt with me and we out he was called Luke and then another grabbed my hand and bought it up to his lips and kissed my hand and he said "hey I am Kol Jackson and I am 17 years old and you are really pretty and I am totally single." I said "you are totally flirting with me and the thing is I don't like flirts and nice to meet you Kol." Then there was Aaron Jackson and he was flirting and he was 18 years old then it went to Stefan who was 19 years old and the oldest was Damon and he is 21 years old. We said "it was nice meet you all and we remember you Damon because you use to come with your mum and dad to see us it is good to see you mate." He said "hey roxie have you been a good little girl and not get in to trouble at your old school." I was about to replied when Alex cut me off and said "she got kicked out of are old school and are parents caught her drinking on a school night so she has not been a good girl." He said to Nicole and Richard "she does not follow rules we both don't so I was just giving you a heads up if you tell us there are rules we won't listen and can we see are rooms please." Nicole said "there are 2 rules and they are: rule 1: you are not allowed out to late at night, rule 2: is no drinking when it is a school night but weekends are ok that is to you roxie and Damon can you show alex his bedroom please and Kol and Aaron can show roxie her room please and the other one expect the young ones take Alex's and roxie's bags to their rooms please." They all said "yes mum."
After following Kol and Aaron to my new room and my bags were on my bed I have to ask Nicole if I could change the colour of the room and I think Alex is thinking the same thing as me. We walked down the stairs and saw Nicole in the kitchen and we asked nice "Nicole can we please change the colour in are rooms please." She said "sure what colour would you 2 want?" We looked at each other and said "red and dark blue please." She said "so you want one wall red and the other dark blue then red and then dark blue." We said "yes please it was the same colour as are old rooms." She said "ok let me get my coat and purse then we can get the paints." We said "Nicole you don't have to pay for us we got Bank cards and we have loads of money so we can get you something and the others something as well." She said "ok I will see want the boys and Richard wants and give you the list ok." We said "ok so; Richard wants a piano, Damon want an electric guitar ,Stefan wants a drum kit, Aaron wants a new jersey, Kol want a ps4, Luke wants a new football, Elijah wants a touch screen laptop , Jeremy wants a new bag and Dex want a new remote control car and Nicole wants some clothes from our mother's clothes.
Alex went to get the grand piano, electric guitar and drums kit while I got the New Jersey jackets, ps4, new football, touch screen laptop, new bag, remote control car and mother's designer clothes. I and Nicole went to my mum shop and the manager looked at me and walked over and said "hello for a person your own age shouldn't be here and you don't have the money to buy here so get out of my shop." I said " your shop have you looked at your sign it says the Carrie underwood shop not yours and I will tell my mother what you just said to me and about her shop and I am allowed to fired you." The manager said "you are lying you are not the daughter of Carrie underwood and you can't fire me." I said "ok don't believe me I will phone her up then."
Phone conversion Carrie
Me: hey mum I am in one of your shops in Miami and the manager is being mean to me because I promise Nicole some of your clothes and she said "hello for a person your own age shouldn't be here and you don't have the money to buy here so get out of my shop." And she said "you are lying you are not the daughter of Carrie underwood and you can't fire me."
Carrie: honey put me on speaker please.
Me: yes mum (put the phone on speaker)
Carrie: what is your name who is the manager of my shop in Miami you have no right to talk to a underwood like that defiantly my daughter and she can fire you and why would she lie about being my daughter and her name is Roxanne Carrie underwood and her twin brother is Alexander Steven underwood so way would she lie about that.
Me: Her name is Juliet mum so does that mean I can fire her and let someone else to be manager because I have someone in minded.
Carrie: oh she was my friend in college and yes you can fire her and you can put someone else as manager who do have in minded dear.
Me: I was thinking Nicole Jackson to be manager and then she can get some of the clothes she likes for free but I will put the money in the till for the clothes.
Carrie: yes is Nicole there with you
Me: Hi Carrie Nicole here and I would love to be manger of your shop you are the best friend a girl can ever have. (Nicole on the Roxanne's phone)
Carrie: thank you Nicole and you can start tomorrow.
Me: bye mum have fun on your business trip and no more kids please mum.
Carrie: bye honey and I promise you there will be no more kid's twins are enough for me and how many kids does Nicole have
Me: she has 8 boys so she has be busy in the bed area.
Carrie: Roxanne that is none of your business what they did in that area and you hang round your brother too much.
End of phone conversion
I looked at the old manager and said "you're FIRED now pack up your stuff and get out."
She looked angry and said "I hate you all and I hate your mother for letting you fired me." I said "GET OVER IT."
I looked at Nicole and said "shop till you drop." 20 minutes now she came back with this and others and I put the money in the till and got Nicole's manager badge. Now we have to get the boys there things. I got all of Aaron's jersey jackets it is
new bags and I got Elijah's touch screen laptop and Dexter's new remote control car and got Luke and new Football and got Kol's ps4 and that is it on my list so me and Nicole put all this in the car and we waited for alex and alex came and said " they are going to follow us to the house with the grand piano and electric guitars and the drum kit by the way I bought three electric guitars one for me and one for roxie and the other one was for Damon Nicole does Richard play the piano by any chance." She said "no but we know someone who does and she plays other instruments and she happens to be right here." I said "where is she then." She said "it is you roxie when you were younger your mother and father had a piano and Richard heard you play and sing with it." I said "oh." She asked Alex "does she still play the piano and does she still sing." He said "yes but not in front of people no more." We got back to the Jackson mansion and the people put every instrument in the music room. I walked in the music room and sat at the piano and play
When I was half way through the song the door started to open so I stop and heard footsteps walking away so I carried on with the song and when I was finish I heard clapping and I looked at the door and everyone was there even Alex Nicole said "there is the beautiful voice me, Richard and Damon and Alex love." I just blushed and said "how long were all of uses standing there." Alex said "all of it sis can you sing another one please can it be begging yours knees didn't we write that together." I said "yeah we did we always write are songs together but I sing them and you do the beat Alex play with me." Alex said "ok I will play it on the guitar." I said "ok you ready 1, 2, 3." then we finish and Nicole said "I know a producer who can give your two a record deal." We shouted "OMG YOU WOULD REALLY DO THAT FOR US WE HAVE TO PHONE MUM AND DAD AND TELL THEM." Damon ran to me and asks me if I could sing his favourite and that is called Freak the Freak out I finished that and got attacked in a hug by Damon and the others joyed in and Dexter asked " can you and Alex write a song about the Jackson family please Rox." Then all of a sudden the other started saying please then we said " ok but you all have to write something good about yourselves and other people and you have to help Dex and Jer with theirs and Nicole and Richard do you want to be in the song or not." They just said "yeah why not and will help with Dexter and Jeremy." Then Aaron wants me to teach him how to play the piano then Kol wants me to teach him how to play the guitar then Stefan wants me to help him with the drums and Luke wants me to teach him how to play the electric guitar. So I said "you all want me to teach and help use with these instruments ok but want will I get in return." Stefan said "I will help you with any homework you have." Aaron said "I can teach you how to play basketball." Kol said "I can teach you how to play soccer." Luke said "I can help you paint your room and get you and Alex the same colour bed fame, wardrobe, draws and an en suite." I said "ok but the eldest is first and Stefan we start after dinner and when is school starting for me and Alex." Stefan said "ok with that and we start after dinner drum lessons and I think it is tomorrow you and Alex start Miami high." I said "do we have to wear uniforms or not." Aaron, Kol and Luke said "no there are no uniforms we can wear whatever we want." I said "cool I am changing hair colour then I am getting two colours in my hair so please get alex I need his help to do my tips light blue and green I can do the rest dark blue but he need to do."
~The next day~
I heard someone shouting my name "Rox get up you have school and Alex is already up." I grabbed someone's foot and pulled them down he was laughing then I trickled him I open my eyes and saw little Dexter and I said "good morning little monkey why did you wake me up Alex normally does that." Dexter said "he said I could do it because you would beat him up and just trickle me." I said "ok I am going to take a shower so I will see you downstairs." I went to the bathroom and do I walked downstairs in this my hair is little bit curled. Alex said "Good morning roxie and when did you get your belly button pierced." I said "last year mum and dad knew about it." Stefan and Aaron and Kol said "well she looks hot and I won't mind taking her to my bedroom." I said "thanks guys but I am not the type of girl who does threesomes with guys I only like it when it is me and a guy not with three sorry guys." Kol said "I would love to have you in my bedroom with me." Stefan said "Stefan don't you have a girlfriend." Aaron said "yeah Stefan aren't you dating a cheerleader." Then Aaron said "we are going to be late for school and Alex and Roxanne have already left because we were arguing about getting her in are bedrooms."
~skip the travel to Miami high~
I walked up to Stefan and said "Stefan can you show me and Alex to the office to get are timetables and locker number and I will play a song for you when we get back to your place." Stefan turned red and said "yeah I will show you and Alex to the office and what song will you sing me." I said "you get to pick but you have to think really hard all day about what song you want me to sing but don't tell the others what you are thinking about." I kissed his cheek and we walk in to the school all the girls was checking out alex and all the guys was checking me out then someone shouted out are names " IS THAT ROXANNE AND ALEXANDER UNDERWOOD THE TWINS WHAT ARE IN A BAND AND ARE LIVING WITH THE JACKSONS." Me and Alex looked at each other and then back to Stefan and we said in unison "RUN IN DIFERENT WAYS NOW." I ran out the doors with all the male students after me till I saw the other Jacksons I ran to them and said "run now someone shouted mine and Alex's name and told everyone what we do and where we are staying at and as you can see I have these guys running after me and alex and Stefan got all the girls chasing them so see you soon but if I can't get rid of all these guys come and fine me please." I ran off with the other students after me till I saw a really tall tree and climbed that till I saw alex and Stefan in the same tree I said to alex " are birthday is in two days we are going be turning 18." Alex said "shit you are right it is the 8th July today." I said to Stefan "you have to go down there and tell the others are birthday is in two days and to see if the coast is clear please Stefan." He just nods his head but me and alex have these little powers and I can is inside people minds and I can do other stuff so I look in his mind and saw Stefan thoughts " I really like her and she kissed me on the cheek but her birthday is in two days what should I get her should I ask her out tomorrow to be my girlfriend but my bothers likes her too definitely Aaron and Kol but when I saw her at are door in her short red shorts that I would like her to be mine." I turned around and looked away and turn a bright red because he wants me to be his girlfriend and he wanted me since day one. Alex looked confused about me turning red and looking the other way. He was about to ask but Stefan climbed back up and said "you two can come down everyone has gone to homeroom but you have to get your stuff." He looked at Roxanne and smiled and she smiled back alex spoke to me in my mind and said " you like him and he like you that is why you looked away and tuned red or you read his thoughts roxie." I replied "yes I read his thoughts but he liked me since the first day we showed up and tomorrow he was to ask me to be his girlfriend." I just nod and we got down the tree and went to the office and we got are timetables and the person behind the desk sent emails to all the teachers that we are here and we went to are homerooms and we walked in and everyone looked at me and my brother so we just stood there and the teacher said "are you two the twins that everyone has been talking about and what you names I need the first name and the surnames please." I said "we are the twins that everyone are talking about and my name is Roxanne underwood and this is my twin brother Alexander underwood but he like to be called alex and I like to be called Roxy and what is your name." the class just looked at us and one blonde girl said "you may be famous and new here but you do not talk to the teacher like that and you can stay away from my boyfriend." I walked up to her and said "who do you think you are talking to you little slut and who is your boyfriend." She said "my boyfriend is Stefan Jackson and stay away from him or else." I said "I know Stefan and he is not my type and or else what because you are messing with the wrong twin I am the trouble maker and my twin brother here is the peace maker but at the moment he is not doing anything until I get in to a fight but if you carry on talking to me like shit I will and let me tell you something you don't want to get in a fight with me because that pretty face of yours will not be pretty anymore." I started getting angry and I knew alex knew I was getting angry because he tried to pull me out of the girls face but he phone someone and they came in the class and said sorry to the teacher for bargaining in and I felt to arms wrap round me but I let out a loud scream and alex told the person to cover their ears I screamed and everyone went flying everywhere and the girl who was trying to start on me got a broken nose and then I calmed down and passed out I hear alex said " Stefan catch her she going to fall." Then I blacked out I woke up in the nurse's room with Stefan and Alex then Nicole came in walked up to me and said "Have this happen the last time you use your powers." I just nod my head and looked at Stefan who has a confused expression on his face then he said "powers like super heroes or witches powers." I said "I and Alex have powers yes and it like superheroes and witches powers but I read your mind when we were in the tree." He went bright red and said "you read my mind so you know what I am going to do tomorrow now." I said "yes I know what you are going to do tomorrow and so does Alex but we have to tell the others about me and Alex with the powers but no one else should know and thank you for catching me." I walked up to him and kissed his cheek and whisper his ear "and if you ask me to be your girlfriend the ask will be yes but you not ask so ha." I started to walk away but he pulled me back and said "Roxanne underwood will you be my girlfriend please." I said "yes of course." He just smiled and I walked away to go to class but I got pulled back again by Nicole and said "where do you think you're going missy." I said "to first class I am late please Nicole I will try and have everything under control and alex is here with me so if I get in to any trouble I will come home." She said "okay fine but if you get in any trouble you are home and grounded and I have bad news for you and alex it is about your parents they are dead there plane crashed on their way to their business trip so you are under mine and Richard care now and you are living with us now I am sorry." I was crying so was alex and we walked up to Nicole and said " you are like are second mum you know that right and dad thought of Richard like a brother and mum thought you was like a sister so thank you for everything when is their funeral." She said "I don't know about the funeral and thank you for that means a lot to hear now you three get to class." We just nod I walked up to Stefan and hugged him and cried in his shirt. He said " come on babe go to the bathroom and sort out your make up I will wait outside for you cause we have class all together me you and alex okay." I just nod and went to the bathroom and do my make-up and walked out me and Stefan are holding hands and me and alex are holding hands like what we do Stefan looked confused so I told him "it is what me and alex do to tell each other that we are alright and it calms us down cause we don't want what happen to me in our homeroom do we." He just nod because he understand what I meant we had maths and we walked in the class and everyone look at us and the teacher said "why are you three late and Stefan take your seat and who are you two." I said "look at your computer and go in your emails then you know who we are." So he looked at the computer and said "so you two are the underwood twins and which one is the trouble maker." I put my hand up and said "that would be me Mr Harrison and the name is Roxanne but you can call me roxy and the peace maker is my twin brother Alexander but call him Alex so where do we sit then." He said " Alex sit next to Nina, Nina can you raise your hand please and for you can sit next to Nathaniel, Nathaniel raise your hand please thank you oh and roxy mind stepping outside for a minute please we need to talk about something." I stood up and walk but I felt a hand on my ass look and saw Mr Harrison's hand on my ass and when we got out of his class room I had a go at him and said " NEVER PUT YOU HAND ON MY ASS AGAIN AND WHAT DID YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT WHATEVER IT IS I DIDN'T DO IT." He said "I am sorry where my hand went and I want to talk about your attitude when you walked in my classroom and the way you spoke to me." I said "I am sorry I am having a bad morning after me and my brother finding out that our parents died this morning and I passing out I tend to have an attitude and can I go back in the class now." He just nod and we walked back in and Stefan saw me and smiled and I smiled back I walked past and he slapped my ass I just giggled and took my seat and I felt a hand on my knee and I looked and saw Nathaniel with one hand on the table and the other hand is on me I started to get angry and Stefan saw I was getting angry and he text alex look over at me and put his hand up and said " sir can me and Stefan take roxy outside to cool down if not you won't have a classroom no more please." He saw my eyes changed colour and I was shaking and he said "yeah and Alex can I ask you something please." Alex said "sure what do want to know." He said " what do you mean that I won't have a classroom if you and Stefan don't take her out and why has her eyes changed colour does she have a problem with her eyes because they were brown and they are purple now." Alex said "you won't have a classroom anymore because her anger is worse than any ones in the world and she was born with the eye colour problem." Mr Harrison said "take her out to calm her down and bring her back please." They said "yes sir." Roxie got up but before she walked out she walked to the table and punched Nathaniel in the nose and said "NEVER PUT YOUR HAND ON MY KNEE OR I WILL PERSONALY PUT YOU IN YOUR PLACE DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME." The class expect alex and Stefan was shocked about my outburst but Nathaniel looked scared and nod and I picked up my stuff and walked out alex walked behind me and hug me but that didn't work and the wind picked up and Stefan fell over and alex helped him up and I slowly calm down and I went to alex and said " bro do you have my fake id cause I am going to the shop to buy some cigarettes and a lighter and get a tattoo and go and buy a new lip ring and alex you should stay here and Stefan you too because I don't want you to get in trouble because of me." They nodded and went back inside I went to the shop and got some cigarettes and a lighter and now in a tattoo shop getting a star on the right wrist with alex and mine name on it and are birthdays and on the left wrist are mum and dad name with their birthdays and their date they died then I asked if I can get a new lip ring. They said it will be 50 dollars and went back to the school and went to my next lesson but I don't know it is so I text alex and ask class he is in and he replied maths so I walked in the maths class and the teacher said " who are you and why are you 20 minutes late." I replied "the name is Roxanne underwood and my twin is here and so am I and the reason I am late is because I just finished calming down from English so would you please tell me where I am sitting if not I will go sit next to my brother." The teacher said "so you're the troublemaker of the underwood no wonder why your parents died in a plane crash." I started to shake so did Alex we looked at each other and nod then we nod to Stefan to tell everyone to cover their ears. I screamed really loud and the teacher flew on to the wall and I walked over to her my eyes are now bright red because I was beyond pissed and put my hand went right around the teachers neck and I started seeing black spots and I started falling and alex yelled to Stefan who ran fast to me and caught me and took me to the nurse and she phone Nicole to come and get me. Nicole came and took me to the car and she started driving to her and she said "what happen why Stefan say yours and Alex's eyes turn red that pissed you off to the top your eyes turning red so what happened." I said "I was 20 minutes late because I had to calm down so went to get some cigarettes and a lighter and got some tattoos and got a new lip ring so I went to maths and the teacher was rude and blame me for my parents death and saying and I quote "so you're the troublemaker of the underwood no wonder why your parents died in a plane crash." And Alex and I were shaking and we told Stefan to get everyone to cover their ears and I scream and the teacher flew on to the wall and I passed out." She said "it was not your fault that your parents died and I would like to see your teacher who said that." I said "thanks Nicole but what I am going to do when we get to yours." Nicole said "you and alex live there now so it is your home now and you can go in the music room and work on some music and what is going on with you and Stefan." I said "em we are dating." Nicole said "oh ok." I said "I am going to the music room if you need me."
~Stefan pov~
I can't believe my girlfriend and mate eyes went red and Alex explained why their eyes go different colours when Roxanne gets emotional they change colours and when Roxanne gets emotional they change colours and when they went red because she was beyond pissed off. So I and Alex are planning on skipping after lunch to see Roxanne. Now it is break so me and Alex went to find the others and tell about alex and Roxanne and tell them that Roxanne went home so we went to the Jackson table and loads of people are their so I said "we need the Jackson brothers here please so everyone who is not a Jackson can you go away for a bit please we need to talk like now." Aaron said "Stefan, alex what is this about and where is roxy." I said "roxy went home because she got to angry and passed out twice and that is not the only thing we need to talk about is roxy and Alex has powers but you can't tell anyone please." Kol said "prove it then alex that you have powers." Alex said "come outside and make sure no one follows and it has to be a private place."
We went outside and Alex showed the elements so it went fire, water, earth and air. The others expect Stefan was shocked. Kol said "bloody hell we won't tell anyone we promise and Stefan what is going on with you are roxy cause in English you slapped her ass and she giggled." I said "we are dating but I am only doing that so I can get her pants." Alex said " YOU ARE USING MY SISTER FOR YOU TO HAVE SEX WITH HER WAIT TILL SHE HEARS ABOUT THIS AND LET SEE IF YOU SURVIVE WHAT SHE WILL DO AND YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT HER SINGING YOU A SONG NOW YOU FUCKING LOWLIFE." Kol said "You have a girlfriend and now you are dating roxy you two timing bastard I hope roxy hate your guts." Alex punches me in the mouth.
~Alex POV~
I can't believe him he has a girlfriend and he is dating roxie at the same time that made me pissed I think my eyes have changed colour I was going to asked one of the boys but Kol beat me to it and said "Alex mate your eyes and red with a bit of black in it and why are they changing colours I swear they were brown." I told them what I told Stefan about are eyes changing and I even told them that Roxanne might be upset and Kol said "why might roxy be upset." I said "we found out are parents have died on their plane crashed they were going on a business trip."
~Skip to the Jackson house~
~Roxanne POV~
I was in the music room singing this I was thinking of my mum but the door open when I started singing and I saw alex pick up his guitar and we sang together and when the song finished and he said "I told the others about our powers and are eyes changing but I want you to read Kol and Aaron's mind and you will find out something about Stefan please." I said "ok but what if I find what you want to see what if I get beyond pissed and end up breaking something or someone." Alex said "I will let you beat the crap out of Stefan okay." I said "yeah." I shouted "Kol and Aaron come to the music room please." The door opened and they came in and Alex whisper to them to think of what Stefan said at school and about something. I said "Kol sit in front of me please you are not in trouble I am just going to read your mind okay." He said "sure." I was in his head heard everything what Stefan said. I said "thank you Kol but I need Aaron to confirm it please." Aaron said "sure have a look in my head." And I was in his head and the same thing happened and I was shaking really bad and I said "thank you boys you can leave I need to have a look in Alex's head." I look in my twins head and I was beyond pissed and Alex knew it then the front door open and Stefan yelled "babe I am home." I look at Alex with an evil smirk and he knew I was up to something and I speak to him in my head and said "I need you to get Kol for me please." He nods his head and the door opened and it was Kol and I said though the head and said "do you want to mess with Stefan's head and make him pay for what he did to me." He said "hell yeah." We walked to my room and closed my door and thought in everyone's except Stefan's head the plan and the said that is was a good idea. Me and Kol was jumping on my bed in are underwear and me was screaming Kol's name till my door try to open and we were breathing heavy I put Kol's t-shirt on and mess my hair up and went to the door and see Stefan there and I said "can I help you Stefan I am kind of busy in here." I thought to Kol and said "mess your hair up coz Stefan is in the room and called me babe and all that." He thought back and said "you got it." Kol walked out of my bathroom in nothing but his underwear and he said "babe I had a lot of fun just now." I said "hunny we can carry on after okay." He said "but babe what does he want." I said "don't know what do you want Stefan." Stefan yelled "YOU ARE MY GIRLFRIEND AND YOU ARE FUCKING MY BROTHER YOU ARE A FUCKING SLUT." I then yelled " YOU ONLY WANTED ME SO YOU CAN HAVE SEX WITH ME BUT WE ARE OVER AND BEFORE YOU DENY IT I READ YOUR THOUGHTS AND KOL AND AARON AND ALEX THOUGHT TO CONFIRM IT YOU CALL ME A SLUT WHEN WE WEREN'T EVEN DOING ANYTHING AND YOU HAVE A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND SO GO AND FUCK HER BECAUSE I AM NOT LIKE THAT I WOULD RATHER DATE KOL THAN YOU." And I attacked him Kol had to shout for Alex and Aaron to help him get off Stefan.
~Kol POV~
She would rather date me than Stefan I might ask her out I hope she says yes because I really like and I don't want to get in her pants not yet tho maybe late on the relationship. My mum shouts "KOL DINNER IS READY AND ROXIE WANTS YOU TO SEAT NEXT TO HER." I shouted "OK MUM" I walked down stairs in to the dining room and saw an empty seat next to roxie and I said "Hey so you would rather date me than Stefan." She replied "yes I would date you than Stefan but what are you getting at." I said "I was going to ask you a question." She said "And the question is." I said " will you be my girlfriend please I am nothing like Stefan I don't want to get in your pants till you're ready for it." She said " yes because of what you said but I will read you mind later but can we eat now." I just nod.

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