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Hello, my name is Ella. I am 16,I have long  raven black hair,  pail skin,  and grey eyes.  Gray,  that's my favorite color. To me almost everything is gray.  By that I mean I can see people in gray,  Well more like I can see their souls.  Now don't get me wrong I love that I can do this.  But the thing is,  to me souls are either black,  or white,  or gray.  Now their aren't too many white souls,  and their aren't too many black souls.  Most every soul I see is gray. Now the more evil a soul is that blacker it is,  and the more kind you are the whiter it is. Your thoughts, as well as actions effect your color.  So even if you haven't actually done any thing yet,  just thinking about it effects your soul.  Now that you know who I am,  and What I can do,  and how the colors work,  Let's move on. I live in Washington,  and I love it here.  It's nice , and gray and rainy most days.  I love rainy days.  Now I'm not a sad person,  I just find beauty where others don't.  I have two older siblings,  they are twins. Ryan(Ry),  and Olivia (Liv)  Like me they both have black hair, gray eyes. Ry has a light shade of gray soul. Liv has a very white soul. It's so beautiful. Olivia and I are often mistaken for twins because we are both pail and close in height,  but they are both one  year older than I.  Ryan is 6'2,has a good tan, strong,  and is very protective of me a Liv.  we all live with my mother and step dad(Rob) .My mother looks nothing like my siblings and I.  She has beautiful blonde hair,  blue eyes,  and is tan.  But she loves us non the less. Our step dad has blonde hair,  and hazel eyes. my mom is one of the lightest shade of gray I have seen, almost pure white. She is a nurse,  and helps out at the homeless shelter.  My step dad is a darker shade of grey,  but he used to do some bad things in his youth. I don't know the specifics. Now that you know about my family,  Let's get the story started.


I lift my head up to see that it's 6:00am .
"Yeah Yeah,  I'm up." I yell back
"Good! " He reply's
I quickly throw on my slippers and my robe.  It's so cold in the morning,  but I love it that way.  I make my way down stairs.
"MORNING SUNSHINE "My sister Liv shouts when I enter the kitchen.
"Morning Liv, mom and Rob at work? "I ask, as I try to see whats for breakfast.  
"Yea , they left about ten minutes ago " Ry butts in.
I sit at the counter and Ry brings me breakfast.  Scrambled eggs and toast. 
"Excited for school? " Liv asks as she takes a big spoon full of food into her mouth.  
"It's school, and a monday. Why would anyone be excited? " Ry answers.
"Jeeze just trying to be cheerful,  who forgot the protein in your shake this morning?'' Liv retorts.
When Liv turns her back,  Ry looks at me and makes a face and mute nags Liv.  I giggle and Liv says "Ry I know What you're doing and it isn't funny "
I see Ry go a little grey. " I thought it was funny " I cherp in.  Liv just rolls her eyes.  "Alright , both of you go get ready " Liv demands.  "Yes mother " Ry and I  mock as we race up the stairs.

After a nice long warm shower I get dressed.  I put on an over sized grey sweater,  black skinny jeans,  a black  beanie,  and black convers . I do my signature winged eyeliner.  And a bit of deep red lipstick.  And for a last touch I put on my silver locket that I wear everyday that has a picture of me, my mom, my siblings and my father.  With a final look in the mirror I adjust my wavy black hair,  and Yank my back pack over my shoulder. I meet Ry and Liv in Ry's red Jeep.  I get in just as Ry throws his foot ball equipment in the back seat next to me.
"AG! Watch out for the little people " I tell him when the bag almost lands on me. "Whoops,  didn't see you there short stack " he tells me.  Short stack is my families Nick name for me because I love pancakes,  and I'm the shortest one in the family. In about 10 minutes we're at school.  I get a quick hug from Liv before she sprint's off to her friends. Ry walks with me to my locker. "So Kate has all of your classes right? " Ry asks.  "Yes,  and Josh has lunch and P.E with us " I tell him.  "Good,  I'm not letting you get picked on this year.  And if you have a problem you tell me right? "
"Yes Ry,  I'll tell you if I see the boggy man " I say as I roll my eyes. Ry stopped to get a drink of water as I turn the corner to my locker.  Kate isn't there yet so I just open my locker to put in my books,  and take out the ones that I need.  Right as I take my hand away from my locker it slams shut.  "Oh,  look.  It's the freak" Sam says loudly. Sam is the girl who always picks on me,  her soul is only about 5 shades away from pure black. I have no idea what she did to get it that dark, but it had to be something bad ."Aw little raven doesn't wanna say hi to me "Sam tells her group.  They all look the Same,  high heels,  pink makeup,  blonde hair,  blue eyes.  Everyone calls them the Barbies.  And they call me raven because of how I look,  and how I'm closed off.  Right as I'm about to turn away Sam slaps my books out of my hands.  And someone else trips me.  Right as I'm about to hit the floor to arms grab my shudders. I look up and see Josh.  Ry's best friend.  He has red hair,  blue eyes,  freckles every where,  Very tall , and is also Well built.  Kate then comes up behind me and helps gather my books.  Then I notice Ry and Liv standing in front of me blocking me from Sam's view.  "JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING! " Liv demands.  "I was only welcoming raven back to school "Sam says in a sweet voice.  "Well if you know what's good for you,  you'd take your welcome party some where else "Ry tells her.  "We could take it to your bed room if you'd like" Sam says trying to sound seductive.  The look of horror that passed my brothers face would have you thinking he saw a ghost. "Sorry,  my brother is allergic to sluts " Liv says.  Sam looked offended and with a a flip of her hair, she and the Barbies walked away.  "God those girls as so fake "Kate tells us.  Kate is my best friend,  aside from my siblings, and mother. she is the only one out side of the family who knows about me seeing souls.  She has short brown hair,  gold eyes, freckles on her nose.  She has an almost white soul.  "You Alright there, fun size ?" Josh asks.  He calls me that because of the height.  Josh has a grey soul . He's extremely nice how ever.  "Yea,  I'm fine. Thank you jolly green giant " I say sticking out my tongue.  "Ouch,  you got me " he says faking hurt. 
Just then the 5 minute bell rings.  "Whelp we all best get going " Kate says.  "El you're gonna meet me and Liv on the fields after school right? " Ry asks.  "Don't I always "I tell him " we all say our good byes and head to class.  Kate walks side by side with me. 
Kate:"What ?"
"Still got a thing for Josh ? "
"No, of course not. "
I notice her soul get a bit darker.
"You're lieing,  and you know I know it " I say
"You shush , Alright I do like him.  He's always been there for me.  And he's kind." Kate says with a look in her eyes.  Her soul lightens back to it's normal Color .
"You know he may like you too "I tell her. Just then we enter class and head to out seats,  but before we sit down Mr.Johnson hands Kate an office note.  "Mrs Kate,  you mother dropped off your lunch. Please hurry to the office and back. " Mr.Johnson tells her.  With an assuring look form me,  telling here I'll be fine she hurries out the class.  We have language first hour.  I love this class,  Mr. Johnson has us read What ever we'd like and only have to write an essay on it. I take my seat in the back,  by the window . It's a pretty large window . I love being able to just sit and look outside.  It's so calming.  It was just cloudy when I left home this morning,  but now it looks like rain.  I hear the seat next to me pull out and someone sit down. I believe it's Kate.  With out looking at her I say "It's such a beautiful day out "
"It sure is "a guys voice answers.  I whip my head to my left and see one of the most beautiful boys I've ever laid my eyes on.  He had black hair,  green eyes,  nice pink lips, dimples,  but is soul was a deep gray.   "Um , sorry.  I thought you were someone else "I say,  putting a strand of hair behind my ear.  "Aw, come on.  Don't sound so disappointed beautiful " he says looking at me. We hear a cough and look up to see Kate glaring down at him her soul is a bit darker than normal . "Who are you? " she demands "I'm Jess,  I'm sorry.  Have I taken your seat? " he flashed her a charming smile.So his name is Jess. Kate looked a bit taken back,  but quickly recovered. "Yes,  I always sit next time Ella "Kate tells him a more nicely. "Ella, hmm What I beautiful name" he says looking back at me.  I smile before letting my hair be a curtain between us.  "And your name,  might I ask? " He turns to ask Kate "My name is Kate,  now may I have my seat back or do I have to throw you out. " chuckling Jess gives Kate her seat,  then sits in front of me.
Class continues as usual. Lunch finally comes around.  Me and Kate make our way through the line.  I get a simple salad And a coke. Kate got a Burger and a sprite.  As we make our way to the table Sam walks by.  She stops right in front of Kate and says as loud as she can "don't you ever get tired of baby sitting " right before Kate answers Jess comes up next to me and says "nah,  She's just being a real friend.  Something you'll never have" a look of surprise pass across her face before she recovered.  "You're new around here,  aren't you?" She asked in a sweet voice. "Yea,  What's it to you? " he reply's. I start to feel everyone looking at us.  My anxiety starts to kick in. I start shaking, I try looking for a way to hide. When I don't see a way to hid, I start biting my lip out of habit.  Kate notices this and starts to move me to the table. Jess starts to follow,  then Sam adds "if you ever want to have some fun you know where to look " . "Yup,  I'll look anywhere that doesn't have slut written all over it " Jess says.  A gasp rises for the lunch room.  Once I'm safely sitting between my siblings and my friend I relax.  And right as I'm about to start eating,  I feel a cold  wet liquid crash down on my head. 

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