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i am the thing
that holds two parts together
and at the exact same time
tears them apart

i am the final blow
the last straw
the paradox personified

mother looks at me
and my eyes are a slap in the face
father looks at me
and my eyes are a slap in the face
how is it that they both
see each other
within me

mother cries at the kitchen table
says she cannot escape him
i stand in the doorway
she flinches when i move

father punches holes in the wall
says she is everywhere
i cower in the corner
he looks at me trembling and roars

i am sorry for both of them
i am a mirror image of the one
they tried to leave behind

this is why people who
have trouble
telling the difference between
love and hate
shouldn't seek each other out

i know why they do it
their mothers and fathers
didn't show their children love
didn't show each other love
if you don't find it at home
where do you find it?

they are like wolves sniffing for blood
while their own wounds are opened
the abused look for the abused

my question is
how did you ever think
you could heal his wounds, mama,
when you hadn't even
stopped bleeding

my mother was touched places
where only her hands
should have been
my father was beaten and starved
left for dead
by the people
that brought him to life

my mother is a sea of sorrow
my father is a storm of anger
what does that make me?

mama, why did you love him
even after you knew he had
never been loved?

maybe sniffing for blood
is in my genes
maybe this is why all the boys i love
have scars

maybe storm and sea
makes a rainbow
maybe i will be a rainbow

since the completion of this book, seams and stitching has since been published and is now available for purchase!! for more information on this, please read the last chapter of this book titled "PUBLISHED." or click on the link in my bio.
thank you i love you,
madelyn x

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