Classic Spongebob

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  • Dedicated to My best friends

**The best spongebob quotes on wattpad!!

One grape straight from the vine! 

One watermelon fresh from the manure field!

*phone ring* 

is this the krusty krab? 

no this is Patrick.  


is this the krusty krab? 

No, this Patrick! 


is this the krusty krab?  

No! This is Patrick!! 


I'm not a krusty krab!

Remember licking door knobs is illegal on other planets!

Indoors! Indoors! Indooors--!  

Take it away penny! 


that penny has such a beautiful voice!

What can I say? it's in my genes.  

Squids got genes!  

Squids got genes!

All hail the magic conch! 


I wrote a poem once... 

Roses are blue. 

Violets are red. 

I have to go to the bathroom.

Magic conch what should we do now? 


*circus music* 

HAHAHAHAHAHAH ! It's a Giraffe!!

Firmly grasp it in your hand.


Firmly grasp it.


Firmly Grasp it!!!

Can you take hats in a neat and orderly fashion?

You mean like a weenie? Okay.

May I take your hat sir?

Why couldn't it of been me?

Yes, Why couln't of it been you?

Quick draw a circle!


That was an oval, It has to be a circle!

First you do this, spin around, double take three times. One Two Three. And Pelvic Thrust! Whoo! Whoo! Step on your right foot, don't forget it! An now it's time to bring it around town! Bring it around town! Then you do this and this and this and this---!

Is Mayonnaise an instrument?

No Patrick, Mayonnaise is not an instrument.

*raises hand*

Horse Raidish is not an instrument either.

I happen to have you know I stubbed my toe the other day while watering my spice garden and I only cried for twenty minutes.


How long can she go like that?

Sandys a girl?

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