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~"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run wild and free until they find someone just as wild to run with them." –Carrie Bradshaw

My chest feels heavy as I struggle to keep the constant rhythm of my feet slapping the leaves. It becomes a chore to continue to put one exhausted foot in front of the other, and an intense endeavor to breath. I focus on the steady beat of my labored breath.


He seems to be chasing me with his cold and heartless eyes, staring right into me, seeing my weaknesses, sizing me up as if I am his prey. I think I am his prey.


His silver fur glistens in the haunting moonlight, dappling the leaves with shadows, glinting like shards of crystalline glass. I keep running, running from the terrible creature.


A howl echoes through the barren forest, the one that renders me tossing and turning in my nightmares. The shrill burst of determination makes me shiver, even through the sweat running down my cheeks.


My dress catches on vines of severe thorns, which rip through the fabric of its fairytale-like satin. On the ground I scramble to get on my feet through the searing pain in my knees, but the wolf tackles me first. I remember screaming and...

"Hey, it's okay, it was just a nightmare." I awake to him caressing my shoulders gently. Tears run down my cheeks, but I smile a little, knowing he is there to comfort me. He kisses me softly and stares into my eyes. I stare into his.

I scream.

Those are the eyes of the wolf.

-excerpt from unknown

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