Chapter 1

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A/N: So here's my new story, my One Direction fan fiction.  I really hope you guys like it a lot! :D  I might have slow updates since I have 2 stories to update, but I'll do my best to stay caught up :)

                My 18th birthday.  Such an exciting time for any teenage girl.  It was supposed to be a great day.  My mom and I were supposed to go to New York City and see everything.  It would have been so fun if it hadn’t all fallen apart at the last moment.

                Ever since my dad died when I was 11, my mom and I grew closer and closer.  We knew absolutely everything about each other, and we never kept any secrets.  We were closer than ivy and the wall it grows on; than the moon and its craters.  We never argued, but we made fun of each other all the time.

                On April 7th 2012, my 18th birthday, we boarded the plane that took us to New York City.  When we got there, we flagged down the taxi that would change my life.  You never expect something like a taxi to change your life, but change my life it did, and it did it very drastically.

                “Oh my goodness,” I said while looking out the taxi window.  “I’ve never seen so many skyscrapers in my entire life!”

                My mom laughed, “I suppose there aren’t really this many in Atlanta, but really, there are still a lot there.”

                “Mom, I haven’t been to Atlanta since I was 10.  We live 2 hours away from it!”  I told her.

                “I’m sure it hasn’t been that long Carolyn.  Anyway, we aren’t in Atlanta now, we’re in New York City!  Hap. .”

                She never got to finish that sentence because all of a sudden our conversation was interrupted by blaring car horns and squealing tires.  The last thing I remember from being in that taxi was the terrified look on my mom’s face as we were jolted around in our seatbelts in the back of a New York City taxi.

                When I woke up I was blinded by bright lights reflecting off white sheets.  Where was Mom?  As soon as they noticed I was awake, some ladies came over.  Judging from their uniforms, they were nurses.  Oh; nurses.  That meant I was in a hospital.  Something bad had happened in the taxi.  I started to panic; I needed to know where Mom was.

                “Where is my mom?  The woman who was in the taxi with me.  Where is she?!”  I practically screamed at the nurses.

                “Sssh.  It’s okay.  Your mom is being taken good care of as we speak.  You were both involved in a serious car crash.  We’ll explain everything as soon as you’re feeling better.  Luckily you didn’t suffer any very serious injuries; just a couple scratches and a compound fracture in your right arm,” one of the nurses told me.

                “I am feeling just well enough for you to tell me where my mother is and how she’s doing thank you very much.”

                “Your mother suffered much worse injuries than you.  The truck that crashed into your taxi crashed into the side of the car she was on.  She is currently in a coma has severe internal bleeding, a shattered right arm and several deep cuts.  She is currently in the Intensive Care Unit,” they explained. My eyes stared to get hot and sting and I could feel a lump forming in my throat.

                “Thank you.  How is she doing?  Is she recovering?”  I asked the calmest voice I could.

                “You’ve only been here for about 8 hours.  It’s still too early to know anything for sure,” they said.  “Please try to relax and get some rest.”

Sometimes Fate Has Different Plans For You Than You Do (One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now