Chapter 1: Life changing

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A booming voice came out of the speakers "please fasten your seatbelts, the plane will be landing shortly", The young girl awoke from her deep snooze to find herself facing out the airplane window and looking down at the sparkling lights of night time Los Angeles. The girl named Emma put her seat belt on and braced herself for the landing. She was to meet her high school friend Abi at the airport terminal. Emma ,a smart, pretty and outgoing girl, she had dark blonde hair that gently meandered down her shoulders, her eyes were glistening green with long eyelashes. Her hometown Buckingham, England.

Horse riding was Emma's one thing she could call her own, something she knew inside out and loved it with all her heart. She was known for her special ways with horses. She could sit on any horse and within 30 minutes, fly over a set of 3ft jumps...tackless. However Emma's life was to change forever. One cold autumn evening Wilbur her 17hh hunter, spooked when Emma was out trail riding. Ditching Emma on her bottom on the muddy ground . She was fine but couldn't find Wilbur anywhere. It was getting dark and frosty, so she called up her parents for help. As Emma walked back to the stables to get more help, her parents carried on searching in their trusty old land rover around the twisting country roads. Emma arrived at her stable yards wooden gates only to find Wilbur happily munching on the grass next them. Emma's parents still carried on driving around in the dark, foggy country roads. She had tried and tried to ring them to tell them that the search party was off but it was no use, they had to mobile signal. She guessed that they would eventually give up and call her when they got home but they never did. Early the next morning the phone rang, she answered, it was the police. They found her parents but not alive. Their land rover was upside down at the bottom of the steep embankment, a body of a deer lay just a few metres away. Glass lay scattered like confetti. Emma was grief-stricken to say the least. She mourned for months. She stopped riding so much, she felt lost, broken. Emma had no siblings for support and her best friend Abi had moved to the U.S. Emma eventually sold Wilbur, feeling that he needed a more loving owner. And she quit riding altogether. Emma didn't know what to do anymore, her job at the restaurant sucked more and more each day and she had no one's shoulder to cry on. She stopped talking to everyone including her best friend Abi ,That's when Abi decided enough was enough. She would help Emma get her life back together. But for that to happen she needed Emma to be with her in L.A .Abi would find Emma a job, a new home and until then, She would stay with Abi in her Beverley hills mansion with her husband Stephen and her dog, a big dopey black Labrador called Fenton.

Abigail (or Abi for short) had a mature, quite organised and caring personality but she still had humour. Together her and Emma when they were younger would pull pranks on the other students at school, consequently they were the only two who found them funny. Both Abi and Emma have always been incredibly smart, always nailing A*'s in every subject. It was always Abi who got the boys though. 4 boys asked her out all on the same week. She always turned them down though .It wasn't until Abi was offered a job in L.A as a lawyer in a multi-million dollar corporation when she fell head over heels for Stephen, a typical gentlemen, well built and patient, they were engaged a year after they met. Yet Emma hadn't been asked out since she was 15,she was now 22 verging on 23,she always guessed it was the horses that put them off,she just saw herself as the silly farm girl. Emma and Abi were soulmates. They did everything together. Emma taught Abi to ride .Abi taught Emma to bake cakes. It tortured her to leave Emma, but Emma persuaded her to go,she knew it was Abi's best opportunity. Abi left a year before Emma's parents passed away.

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