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I have always loved fire. When I was little, I would always burn myself from getting too close to our wood fire at home. My parents thought it was strange, and made me go to a psychologist for a year. I knew, however, that there was nothing wrong with me. I found the flames hypnotic. I loved the way they burnt everything with such ease; the world’s deadliest dance made to seem harmless. The radiating heat, the melodic crackling and the colours of autumn all twined together fascinated me. My psychologist eventually concluded our meetings and informed my parents that I was a perfectly normal child who just happened to have an interest in fire. Foolishly, I believed him.  


Hey guys. Keep in mind while you read this that it is my first story on Wattpad. I hope you enjoy it. I'm happy to accept constructive criticism, but please don't be too harsh. And don't forget to fan, vote and comment. :D

This is dedicated to TheLastGoodbye because she was the first to read it and comment. :)


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