Chapter 1: A sad beginning

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"Perseus Jackson! You're hereby exiled from Camp Half-blood to the lands beyond the gods!" Zeus thundered.
Percy Jackson looked at zeus, jaw dropped. "All in favor?" Zeus asked looking at the Olympian council. Ares hand shot up. Poseidon hand also rose.
"Don't call me father perseus Jackson!" Poseidon bellowed, making percy flinch.
Soon more hands followed. Apollo, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, demeter, everyone except hades. "What did I do to all of you?!? I saved all of you from Kronos and Gaea! This is how you repay my loyalty?!?" Percy Jackson yelled while glaring at the Olympians.
"Watch your tone boy!" Artemis snarled.
"No! All of you owe me! If you do this, you'll regret it!" Percy growled. Artemis went bright gold "how dare you say no to me!"
"Quiet daughter!" Zeu bellowed, looking at his daughter. Artemis huffed before calming down some.
"You will stripped of your powers and you will live in Alaska, the land beyond the gods. There you will live for the rest of your puny mortal life!" Zeus thundered before striking his lighting bolt to ground. The marble ground split into two right below Percy.
He gave one last glare at the gods and the campers that watched. "One day you'll need me, but I won't help. You will rue the day, you betrayed me!"
All of the gods heard as percy fell into the huge split.
"Now that matter has been dealt with, let's continue on with our meeting!" Zeus said as the crack closed and appeared as if nothing ever happened.

~ Blue cookies ~

The wind ripped at Percys hair as he plummeted towards the Alaskan ground. His blue Hoodie flapped wildly in the wind along with his blue cargo shorts. 'Why? What did I do to deserve this odd punishment?' Percy thought sadly, but slowly that sadness turned into rage. Percy yelled out in a unbearable rage as he sailed towards the frozen ground.

~Flash Back~

Percys P.O.V

I started to finish cleaning my cabin, when a knock. 'Was it the cabin inspectors already?' I thought as I opened my cabin door. To my surprise, it wasn't. Instead it was my girlfriend Annabeth.
"What's up Annabeth?" I asked still surprised "I though you weren't doing inspection this time?"
Annabeth shook her head no "That's not the reason why I'm here, kelp head."
"Then why are you here?" I asked curiously.
Annabeth took a deep breath "before I tell you that, I need to get some business out of the way."
"Sure, what's this business?"
"Percy, we're over"
I blinked a couple of time before laughing "real funny Annabeth! Now seriously, what were you going to say"
Annabeth sighed "percy, I really mean it. We're over!"
I felt something in my chest literally brake. I started to feel warm drops of liquid leak from my eyes. "Annabeth...why?" I croaked out.
Annabeth rubbed her temples, ad if she were dealing with an annoying child. "Because" was all she replied before remembering what else she had to say. "Oh and percy, the gods have summoned you to Olympus." Then she left.

~Flash Back End~

The gods never did tell me why they exiled me but I shouldn't be worrying over something like that because right now, I'm about to hit the ground. "Well so much for my punishment..." I said as I hit the ground? I opened my eyes to see that I'm levitating 1 meter off the ground. "Talk about a thrilling six flags ride" I muttered before falling down with a loud thump.
I got up rubbing my nose "freaking gods.." then I started to walking towards the frozen forest, in which a gut feeling is telling me to go to.

~Time Skip: 3 days~

It's been three days since I've landed in Alaska. Three days of being attacked by monsters, being thirsty and hungry, and cold. I could barely walk right now as it is, but I continued to follow my gut to where ever it's taking me.
As I continued to walk through the snow, I heard a howl. However this howl didn't sound sounded acient and powerful.
I drew riptide, but I could barley even hold it. As I looked around my surroundings, the bush behind me rattled and out came a huge, pure white, wolf.
I tried to block it's bite but riptide was to heavy, so before I knew it, pain exploded in my right arm. The same place where the wolf bit me.
The huge wolf sat a just a little bit away from me and it just watched me roll around in pain.
It felt like fire was spreading through out my body as this continued, my vision started to blur. Slowly I slipped of into the dark world that was waiting for me.

What do y'all think? Is it good or bad? Should I continue to work on this? Let me know in the comments!

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