Are you worthy of my power?

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"Listen, boy, you aren't really worthy of my power. I let you use it to get rid of Majora for me. Your goddesses and the 'four who are there' put me away in this little mask. They put me here and destroyed my body. So, I need a new one. And I found it after waiting seven years... Do you understand what I'm getting at?"

"Oh, no..."

"I'm going to take your body and trap it in your own mind."

"NO! NO!"

Oni moved to Link's side and covered his eyes.

"You have no choice. Surrender, it'll be quick, painless. Put up a fight..."

His tone lowered,

"...and it'll hurt worse than anything you have ever felt."

Taking on a seductive tone, he whispered,

"Just give up, darling. Your no match for me..."


"Sleep gently to the melody I'll play for you on this ocarina..."

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