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Sprinting, as fast as I could. I whizzed around the corner of my street and raced past a lady with a dog, my feet pounding against the ground. I forced myself to run faster and soon I was approaching my house. Throwing myself sideways up my drive I burst through the front door, it was unlocked, not a good sign. Silence, absolute silence. I kept on sprinting, taking the stairs two at a time as I ran down the hallway, bursting through the door at the end of the hallway. The door that led to my parent's room and that was when I came to a screeching halt. Blood. Everywhere. The once white and blue walls where now red and blue, the blood covering every surface. I felt my stomach roll and covered my mouth as the tears started streaming. My parents where on the bed, eyes wide as they stared at the ceiling. My mum's stomach was ripped open, her guts, literally spilling out. Her shirt was torn and there were various deep cuts and bruises all over her body. My dad was missing his hands and feet and there was a carving in his chest. I cautiously approached so I could read it. THE DEBT IS SETTLED, was carved with a knife and I forced myself to look away and then saw the footprints, the bloody red footprints that headed into the bedroom across the hall. No, they wouldn't. Step by step, I slowly approached the room and cautiously opened the room, praying I would find my brother and little 4 year old sister hiding in the close. I pushed open the door and that was when I emptied up the contents of my stomach, I fell to the floor my tears and vomit mixing on the floor as I knelt there looking at the massacre before me. 

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