Part II

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Luke hands me my tea then two small packages of honey and a stirrer. "Thanks," I say again.

"You're welcome."

As I empty the honey into the cup, Luke quietly sips his coffee and I wonder why he's here.

"So, your Friday is so boring that you decided to come bother me?" I smile, mixing the honey in my tea and I feel the warmth of the fire.

"I live a pretty low-key life now. So boring is always welcomed."

"Wow, you've really turned over a new leaf," I laugh then taste my tea. It's perfect.

"Yeah, I have," he sighs. "I like my life like this. I've done so many idiotic things in the past that 'dull' is exciting enough."

I set down my tea then bite into my burger. It's delicious.

"Speaking of my past." Luke pauses like he's searching for the right words. I glance at him while chewing. "I want to apologize for being an asshole to you."

This is new. I never recall him being an asshole to me, or maybe I blocked it out. I ask incredulously, "What?"

"All the times I was a drunken mess around you, I was an asshole," he explains. "I was acting out because of Lindsey."

I blink, not knowing what to say. Honestly, I didn't think he was an asshole. Well, maybe that one time when I bared my soul and told him how I really felt about him.

"I've experienced worse," I say after swallowing. "Is this part of some twelve step process?"

"No," he laughs at me. "I just felt bad that I was an asshole to you."

"Luke, that was like fourteen years ago. I'm over it." I munch on some fries.

The fire crackles as he drinks more of his coffee. "I know. But it's better late than never."

There's a short silence between us as I eat more of my burger and fries.

"Rach said you have a son. How old is he?" Luke asks. "He's around Connor's age, right?"

I almost choke on the bit of food in my mouth then take a gulp of my tea; I'm stunned he's asking such a personal question.

He touches my back. "You okay?

I swallow then mumble, "Yes." Then I clear my throat. "Gabriel just turned five."

"I remember when Connor was five. He was so full of questions." Connor is Rachel's son, his nephew.

My eyes dart at him and my lips purse. "Connor was just five last year."

Luke warily smiles and I can tell he's embarrassed, even under the shadow of his baseball cap. I say blunt things like this a lot, so I am familiar with those types of responses.

"I know that. I'm just trying to make conversation."

"Sorry," I whisper.

Suddenly, he asks, "Why aren't you with Gabriel's father?"

"Um." I'm astonished and I deflect. "Why did you end your engagement?"

"Because she cheated on me. I couldn't trust her anymore."

Rachel never told me that part. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't be. I'm over it," he says. "Are you going to answer my question?"

I wipe my hands with the napkin and think about an impassive, concise answer. "Well," I sigh. "We wanted different things. I wanted to be married and he wanted freedom."

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