Breakup Backup (Haruhi)

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I stare at my tear-stained reflection in the mirror, then sigh and flip off the lights and dive into bed, surrounded by used tissues and a damp pillow soaked with tears and chocolate ice-cream stains.


"Shit. What happened to you?!" My best friend Fujioka Haruhi opens the blinds and starts picking up the empty junk food wrappers around the room.

"Ugh...I don't want to go to school today." I roll over and shove my face into the pillow. It still smells dank from the tears it absorbed last night.

The crinkling stops, and Haruhi rips the pillow away from me. She gives me a once-over, and squints as if she's trying to recall something. "That bastard Izumi! He dumped you, didn't he! I'll kill him!" I don't bother to respond. She continues yelling at me, "Get out of his shirt right now!" she exclaims, and slaps me with the pillow.

"I dun wanna..." I whine, but my attempts to stay in bed are met with a face full of determined Haruhi.

She grimaces, and glares at me, "How much crap did you eat? You know junk food will stunt your growth, right?"

I let myself be dragged out of bed by my feet, replying with, "Shut up. I'll grow...eventually!"

I look at myself in the mirror again and sigh. I get to work hiding the bags and zits that came up because of all those shrimp chips.

In the small kitchen, I'm greeted with a steamy thermos of tea with milk, and a worried glance from Haruhi. "Talk to me on the walk, okay? We really have to go!"

We walk faster than usual, stopping only to get some melonpan bread for me, and I peek at Haruhi and buy her one too, to thank her for getting my depressed self out of bed. As I hand it to her, she pointedly says, "You're never this nice, you must have felt really bad. Why didn't you call me when it happened?"

I shrug my shoulders and avoid her searching gaze. She sighs deeply. " I didn't want to ever do this, but they'll be able to help you. You're coming to the host club after school today." I start to protest, how could those egotistical privileged rich kids ever possibly help me, but Haruhi interrupts, "And I won't take no for an answer."

The whole reason Haruhi and I became friends was because of how we both thought about the host club, and I knew she worked there, but I never would've thought she'd force me to go there. I was kind of curious about just how far their egos stretched, though...

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