Chapter One

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"You worthless piece of shit!" my father as his fist flew to my jaw. I doubled over and my mom kicked me in the balls.

"You don't deserve to live under this roof!" she screamed.

They beat for hours. Then suddenly I was being picked up and shoved roughly into the car trunk.

You couldn't even imagine the pain I was in.

The car stopped and the trunk opened. I was sharply pulled out and thrown on the ground.

Where were we?

A kick was delivered harshly to my side. I groaned and curled up into a ball.

"You fucking faggot." My dad spat on me. I didn't move.

A few minutes later, I hear the car doors open and shut, the engine start, and then they drive away.

I looked up once to see a large building labelled as the Jeffersonian.

Then I passed out.


"Hey, kid, are you all right?" a man's voice asked. "Oh god, no you aren't, just hold on."

I carefully opened my good eye as the curly, brown-haired man stood up and ran to the Jeffersonian building shouting,


Three woman, one with wavy brown hair, another with the same just darker, and one with short black hair, and two men, one with a short black buzzcut and the other with curly black hair, appeared at the steps.

The man who had woken me up was out of breath from running up the steps.

I couldn't hear what they were saying, but suddenly they were sprinting back down the steps toward me.

"Oh my god," one of the women said.

"Okay, hang in there kid, you're gonna be fine," the guy with the shorter hair said.

"What happened?" The other man asked the one who helped me, who just shrugged.

"I don't know, I just found him here, lying in a puddle of blood and all beaten up and bruised."

"Did someone... do this to him?" the woman with the lighter brown hair asked.

"Looks that way." The woman with the short black hair crouched down in front of me. "Hey, can you speak?"

I carefully shook my head becuase even that hurt.

The guy with the shorter hair was on the phone with someone but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

Then he hung up and came back over.

"Ambulance is on its way," he announced.

"Who would do this to a child?" the woman with darker brown hair asked. She had tears in her eyes. No one aswered.

A few minutes later, the ambulance appeared. They lifted me onto a stretcher.

"I'm so sorry, kid," the man who found me said as they put me into the ambulance.

Before they shut the doors, I heard,

"He looks a lot like Zack."

Then I blacked out again.


When I opened my eyes, I was in a hospital bed with IVs in my arms and a cast on my arm with a brace around my chest.

The people who had saved me were there too.

"You're awake!" one exclaimed quietly. They all looked up. "I'm Angela Montenegro. My husband, Jack Hodgins, is the one who found you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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