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I was watching tv on that one couch we always sat on at my friend's house (Apartment). She was wearing something which smells like pina collada, along with a dressy blouse and a skirt. I was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of knee length shorts. I could only guess what she was thinking. When we both became of age to be considered curious, when thoughts started entering our heads, we exchanged one intense, long stare. We shared a long history ever since we started elementry we've been the best of friends but now, now I can't seem to detatch myself from every bit and aspect of her persona. My name is Sam, my friend is Carly, I like her... More than normal.

   The day after I found myself on her couch, I had let myself in and Carly was barely walking down the stairs which lead to our set along with her room, ah her wonderful room always smelt like strawberrys, like that was her natural scent. Carly spotted my lounging on her couch and told me to get off, but not in a serious tone it was more playful so I played along and said "Nah I'm good." She huffed a bit annoyidly but still in a playful tone and walked over. I stared with my eyebrow raised and she grabbed my hand from behind my head and pulled, I groaned and eventually she had her way. I sighed heavily and stretched, she seemed less leanient with my sleeping on her couch compared to other times. But eventually as all fun must end, we rushed off to school, Ridgeway High home of the Mad dogs.

   Mid class I slip a piece of paper unto her desk which of course, as always was located left of my own, she smiled and opened it up, wrote her quick response and as the teacher turned his back she passed it over. I was quick and ninja like to take it and read out "Hey! Ummmmm hm, I realised that you seem to enjoy using my couch!" I chuckled and nodded at her. We continued on throught the class.

   Once we arrived at her apartment, I sat on her couch and she sat with me, I decided to turn the light off and put a movie on, sitting back with her leaned onto me for comfort, I stretches and relaxed with her as we passed time, talking, watching the movie, alternating and multitasking, I think we were more intrested in eachother rather than the movie to be honest. Eventually it got to those awkward, "Have you ever wondered what kissing a girl would be like?" questions. She had eventually rolled into asking me if I had ever kissed a girl I shaked my head and watched her motion and her lips part for words to form and be said. God watching her talk was like hearing an angel sing, she has always been my saviour when I was in jams, yet I had always been her body guard when she needed my assistance.

   The next day we had been crashed on the couch, my arms around her due to lack of space. I had woke first and stares at her, head to a slight tilt, watching her sleep so serenly as if she was having a dream.... I continued like thise for at least an hour more, then she stirred and I closed my eyes swiflty and pretended to sleep. She looked over from what I can see and quietly muttered something inaudiable then snuggled up against me for a second, only to get up and take off for the fridge to probably get herself and I something to eat or drink. I layed there with my eyes open, staring at the ceiling as I quietly began to sat up and stretch.

   A while later we were on the couch once more cans of peppy cola in our hands, laughing it up as I began to poke fun and flirt with her. Eventually it silence into awkwardness and I was staring at her a bit hard, she stared back, our eyes locked.... It reamined like this for at least a good 5 minutes. Eventually, I leaned in a bit but pulled and bit my lip, looking at the floor I got up and started to walk twords the door, I felt her warm hand grab mine and looked to her, confusidly.

   She had said "Wait... Wh-Why're you leaving Sam?" Her voice seemed a bit raspy as if her throat was dry.

   I had replied with a low toned, smooth "Because this is just to awkward... I... I mean I..." I simply studdered.

   She get up I leaned in at the wrong time to whisper into her ear and our lips met, I was in shock my cheeks were red hot like a tomatoe and hers were bright pink like a golden red apple. I realized she was pulling me over her and I was willing. I then closed my eyes as I was ontop of her on the couch we had always sat on, that couch that held so many memories. I was eventually kissing her open mouthidly and it went on just like that, repeatedly just exactly like that for hours and hours.

   I found myself next to her on the couch, awake from last night's movie, I realized it was a dream and I sighed heavily. She was still asleep, I whispered softly to her sleeping self "If only..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2011 ⏰

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