The Vanity Mirror (Kankuro x Reader)

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Today was a really big day! It was the day you had been anticipating for months now—a soon-to-be-annual festival in which Konoha and Suna got together and shared crafts, love, knowledge, and training. This festival was the inaugural event to what would soon hopefully become tradition.

For you, it was a fantastic opportunity to learn about a village you had always been enamored with. As a Konoha native, you had grown up hearing about the Village Hidden in the Sand. From merchants' tales, to tales from the foot soldiers stopping in the Leaf after traversing the desert, you had heard a fine amount about the exotic extravagance of the village. It more than piqued your interest to hear about the spice vendors and merchants toting carpets and tapestries. To you, it seemed like a different world.

And now you were going to be able to witness a piece of that world! Festivities were scheduled to start before noon; so you readied yourself rather quickly, tossing on a simple clothing set and putting your (h/c) locks into a messy bun. As a shinobi representative of Konoha, you would be getting much more gussied up when you arrived on-scene.

Higher-ranking shinobi from both villages would be getting together to put on fighting and weapon demonstrations in costume or traditional garb. It was all meant to be fun, not a mission—a time for everyone to relax and do what they loved. You were going to be a part of the ranged weapons demonstration, and you were more than ridiculously excited for it.

Although you got to the prep tent early, TenTen and Hinata were there already. You greeted both of them exuberantly and chatted away as you waited for Kurenai to get there and start appointing costumes and makeup.

When she arrived a handful of minutes later, everyone milled into the tent and listened eagerly as she gave a small speech on doing the village proud but most of all, having fun with it. Then she explained that each demonstration would have a specific costume type.

Hinata, as part of the hand-to-hand demonstration, would be wearing traditional shinobi garb that entailed little makeup. She seemed happy enough and began readying with no issues. TenTen was helping to demonstrate three-, four-, and five-man cells, and therefore for a light, flowing outfit that reminded you of a desert dancer. Her makeup was a little flashier, much to her dismay, but Kurenai offered to help her once she was done distributing costumes.

Before the ebony-haired Jonin could tell you what costume you'd be wearing, the flap to the front of the tent opened and a less-than-pleased-looking Shikamaru poked his head in with an apology for interrupting. He politely lifted the same flap to allow a pretty blonde girl with four pigtails into the tent. The Chunin introduced her as Temari of the Desert, Sunagakure's Ambassador. As Ambassador's envoy, it was Shikamaru's duty to show her around and escort her.

After Shikamaru was dismissed, Temari casually walked over to where you were standing and awaited Kurenai to assign more costumes, paying you no heed. And while she wasn't exactly rude about it, she come off as a little less than friendly and somewhat haughty, you noted quietly to yourself.

That's when Kurenai explained that both you and Temari-san were part of the ranged weapons demonstration. You smiled politely at Temari, who smirked back and she was looking forward to it. So far so good! Today was turning out to be rather swell if you did say so yourself! After all, you'd wanted to learn more about your sister village and what better way to do so than to work with one of their elite?

That was also when Kurenai explained that your costumes would be the most extensive, something you had feared. Not only would you be demonstrating in full Kabuki Theater garb—making your task more challenging and therefore worthy training—you would be doing your own Kabuki-style makeup while Kurenai helped TenTen, and now both Ino and Sakura who had arrived just after Temari, with theirs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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