The Dream

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  As you open your eyes you realize your in this werid place.

You try to get up and as You do i realize there are other people to.

Some adults, some kids but what really gets you is that there is a little girl about six with beautiful white hair and blue eyes standing in the coner.

As you get to see what is wrong with her you hear the other people get up and then you hear something.

A big thump and it scares you haft to death, beacuse what thing could make that kind of noise. Then you think  was some one playing a game on us but it was not.

Out of a coner in this blood red, wired, city like alley a huge knife comes out and cuts the unlucky brown coat wearing gentelman in two.

As you try to get my thoughts together you feel warm blood touch you and as any normal person would do i looked down.

 You stand there shock knowing you have been drenched from the bottom of your pants to the rim of your shirt in a warm, wet, squishy blood.

The only part of you that had seemed intouched by the red stuff is your head and shoes, you began feeling very scared. 

Then like any other normal person in great fear of being cut in to like the unlucky brown coated gentleman you flee from the sene.

Only to end up in this valley but when you looked around to see if the mysterious monster was following me you almost fall down from shock.

The alley way was gone and all the other people too. Wait no they are there just standing so still that is seems they would shatter from the slightest touch from someone, or something.

"where am i"

The other people turn around out of there daze and notice that you are there to.

"can some one please tell me where i am"

"your in a dream" A soft voice from the dark concer answers your question

"a a a a a a dd rrreaa mm" You can not help but studder

The concer person walks out, its the little girl you shall before, her hair as white as snow with bouncey cherlly temple curls, her eyes as dark blue like the night sky, shes very small and weak looking, and you swear it seems as if she is glowing like the big old full moon.

"yes a dream..he put you in this dream"

"WHO PUT US IN THIS DREAM".You yell out of anger

"The man who makes the dreams"

You think to yourself,

"the man who makes the dreams?"

Then you say aloud,

"why does he need us"

The little girl walks up slowly to you and similes big, but instead of the cute pearly whites you think a girl this adorable would have. She shows big, long, pointy pinchers that look like they can rip your neck clean open.

Then in a rough voice she say's

"he needs you to....FEED"

Without warning the little girl attacks, wraping around you like a snake, like she had no bones. She bites shinking her teeth right into your soft, exposed neck skin.

It hurts so bad like a buring flame is going through your body, you begin to cry and fall back drifting out of concionus out in the proccess landing on the little girl  hearing a big crack.

Then you black out only hearing the screams and the running feet of the other people.


You feel something softly pick you up and grabs your ass in the procces, you feel really embaressed but you try to pretend not to notice so that whatever is holding you does not find you as a threat and deciedes to kill you.

You think to yourself

"keep them damn eyes shut"

You slowly feel it go up your shirt and rub your nipples in a circular motion. You still keep those eye's shut thinking it will stop eventually, though you are really getting turned on by the motions, then you  feel a slight drip coming from your pants.

You think to yourself

"God damn"

You slowly feel it's hand go town to your pant's quicky and successfully unbuttoning your pants, then slowly with it's soft hands it goes into them.

You think to yourself

"Oh my god I'm being filed"

You move a little causing the thing to stop what it is doing,you acidently moan and it is a loud moan, like this thing was so loud  to the fact you just know you got satisfied.

The thing stop's and put's you down.

You can hear it slowly moving away from you.

You think for a second, should I open my eyes.

But you hear something that jogs you out of your deep thinking. It doesn't sound like the thing messing around with you earlier. No somthing much different it almost sounds like something heavy it being dragged behind it.

You start to freak out, and i mean freak out.

You roll onto your back slowly, and with great speed and care drag yourself upwards.

Crawl crawl crawl

Thats all you hear ass you drag yourself under what you think of as a gate.You keep going not even stopping for a breath you know what you need to do.

You need to wake up. Yes wake up it's all just a dream a fragment of imagination, a, a motion picture in your brain.

But how can it be dream you ask yourself.

It feels so real.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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