The First Chapter: When Sally was 9...

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I have decided to have this on Amazon as I work on my sequel; thank you so much for taking the time to read this piece. It has been a challenge getting this case up and running; in Asia, abuse is ignored and treated with indifference, almost as if to speak and talk about it is taboo...a nuisance if you may; I have encountered a tremendous amount of red tape when it comes to getting this case the due attention it needs.

Singapore police has yet to shape up when it comes to treading in this terrain but I will not stop till the story comes to light.

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Chapter 1:The Girl Named Sally

It started with something soft that brewed outside; a gentle moaning that grew somewhat stronger until Sally decided that home was the place to be after all. It was going to be a wet day, she could tell. Already, she could hear the deafening thunder as white bolts of lightning glazed the skies. They frightened her intensely and when they ruthlessly streaked the dark Singapore skies with threatening glows, Sally knew the rain would patter down hard and mercilessly. Puddles of muddy waters were already forming where Mama had been tilling the land.

The little girl yanked her head a little away from the leaking windows and watched as the now strong tropical winds hustled the rain sending droplets of water pattering down hard on the walkways and into their porch. She sighed a little wishing they could at least play Rounders tomorrow. It was a game she liked and now, it had to be canceled. It was one of the only games where everyone from the neighborhood, gathered to play without any fights at all. Most afternoons were spent out with the neighborhood children but now, there was an emptiness that seemed to settle in as she wondered what she could do in a house where only rules applied all day long. She looked at the time. There was still plenty of time left before the evening took over but surely there would be something she could do to keep out of trouble?

She wished things would be different but nothing would ever change not with the way things were expected in their home. Papa sought a regiment for them and a life so Spartan she wished he would sometimes realize she was still a child. She feared when he came near. Oh, she always did. You see, there was something so frightening about the way he came close to you almost like he could strangle you. There were times when she wondered if he really wanted her at all. He called her wicked names of all kinds and Mama always joined in fueling his anger each and every minute he taunted her. Sometimes, when he seemed sane and was not talking much, she could still see that he was watching her from afar, almost reproaching her and she didn’t know why. She really did not know why Papa never liked her and Mama never helped very much. When Papa hit, she just joined in the game.

And unlike all children who had some toys to keep them company during a day indoors, Sally had none of such luxuries but she had books and they were company for her. Books always gave her the dreams and told her about good things that happened to others even in bad times and she liked that. It made her dream a lot and it was nice sometimes going into a world where things worked out well for you. She smiled at the thought of the idea. She would read a book but going into the home library was a major step. It was a daring stunt she took wanting to spend her time in a place no one else dared venture but she couldn’t imagine making a mess in the room. She was a big girl and she was already helping Mama to clean the house and sweep the floors. But sometimes, she really wished she had a dollhouse, just like the one Pearly got for Christmas. She wanted one so badly but they wouldn’t buy her one at all. Not that they even thought of one for her! Mama would always walk away when she asked for a small cooking set. A dollhouse would be too much to ask and so she never dared to open her mouth.

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