Game Night

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Hello! So this is my first Jonnor fanfic, please be nice :) Enjoy...


Jude sat at the kitchen table quietly eating his pancakes. "So Jude, the girls and I are having a little Friday night chick-flick night since Brandon and A.J are spending the night at mikes." He looked over at Stef who was leaning on the counter holding her mug. "Do you want to invite Connor over? You probably don't want to watch The Notebook and Titanic with us." Stef continued. "Yeah, I'll ask him at school." He smiled. Callie sat down next to him with a plate of pancakes. "So. How long have you guys been together again?" She said between chews. "About two months." Callie nodded and went back to talking about some science project.

The morning slowly went on and as soon as the lunch bell rang, he bee-lined his way to the cafeteria. He found Connor already waiting for him at their usual spot under a tree. Jude couldn't resist thinking about how attractive his boyfriend looked today. I mean, Connor always looked good to Jude. But today Connor seemed to have dressed up a bit more than his usual tank top and shorts. He wore a nice blue short sleeve shirt and long dark jeans. Jude walked over and started to open his lunch. "Hey." He said to Connor who was currently staring at his phone. "Hey." Connor said looking up at Jude with a smile. Jude sat down next to him and they ate in silence for a few minutes before Jude spoke up. "So, moms and the girls are having a movie night and I don't really feel like watching that stuff, so I was wondering if you wanna come over and do something?" Even though they've been boyfriends for a while, Jude still rushed the words out of his mouth. "Yeah sure. What time?" Connor asked, more interested. It was funny how Connors eyes lit up whenever he got to spend alone time with Jude. "How about 7?" Connor was now texting his dad if he could go over. "Okay. My dad's gonna have to pick me up at 10 though. Shame I can't sleep over" Connor gave Jude a little wink. "Wow. Good job at being subtle." Jude laughed. They went about their day talking about school, video games, etc.

After dinner, Jude went down to the kitchen to get some snacks for when Connor arrived. He kept glancing at the clock. 6:57. "Hey Jude." Lena laughed a little. "That never gets old. Anyway I just made some popcorn for me and the girls, do you want some for you and Connor?" she asked still smiling about the joke that was in fact getting old. "Yeah sure. I think a bowl should be fine." Lena nodded passing him a bowl. Just then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Jude yelled and rushing to the door and opening it. Connor stood on the porch holding The Game of Life. "Why'd you bring that?" Jude asked letting Connor in. "'Cause I thought it would be fun! I found it in the garage." Connor smiled. Lena came over with arms full of bowls of popcorn as she headed over to the living room. "Hey, Connor. Why don't you two head up to Jude's room. Don't come downstairs if you hear us sobbing." She smiled. In Jude's room they set up the game on the floor.

"Okay so don't judge me but I've never played this game before." Jude told Connor. He expected his boyfriend to laugh a little and say 'that's okay babe. Ill teach you' but, no. "Are you kidding me? This is the greatest game in the world!" Connor scoffed. Jude just rolled his eyes and scanned through the instructions. But Connor intervened and gave him his own description. "So you pick a car and then get your little person and you can send then to university or they can just go get a job but that's not as good. Anyway, you go on this whole path of life. You get married, have kids, and buy houses and stuff. And then you grow old and die." He finished. "You die?" Jude asked, confused, wasn't this a kids game? "Well, you don't die but you go to an old person's home and basically die. Same thing." Connor shrugged getting a little blue man from a bag to put into his car. "Okay. I think I got it. Let's play!"

The game started with Connor choosing the orange car and Jude the blue. Connor had some bad luck and ended up missing some turns in the beginning and Jude didn't hesitate to playfully tease him about it. Jude landed on the second stop sign on the game and moved his car out of the way to read what it said. "Get married." Jude read, looking up at Connor. "So who are you going to marry?" Connor asked. Jude shrugged. "I don't know, it's just a game." He replied. "Well... what about me?" Connor suggested. "Yeah, I guess" Jude blushed. "When it's my turn I'll marry you too, it'll be like we have two different lives in alternate worlds!" Connor said excitedly. Jude raised his eyebrows. "Okay." What a dork he thought to himself. My dork. A while later Jude had a baby boy (Don't ask how) and Connor ended up with twins. Time went on and they reached their old age. Both had grandkids and retired in the same old folk's home. "So... want to check who won?" Connor asked after the game came to an end. Jude shook his head no. "I don't feel like anyone lost in this game. It was pretty fun." He said approvingly.

"What time is it?" Connor yawned. "9:30" Jude said checking his phone and stretching. "Kay, let's put the game away." But neither of them moved. Connor crawled over to Jude and pulled him close kissing his forehead. "How was your life?" Connors voice was low and tired. Jude only gave a soft 'hmmmm' and leaned his head on Connors shoulder. They rested there for a while until Lena came in to tell them that Adam was here to pick Connor up. Connor rubbed his eyes and got up slowly. Jude went to escort him outside. Once on the porch, Jude grabbed Connors hand and kissed his cheek. "I had a good life." He smiled. Connor leaned in and gave Jude a quick kiss before heading towards the car. Jude waved goodbye even though he was positive Connor couldn't see him in the dark. He drowsily walked back up to his room and sent a small text to Connor.

Jude: Goodnight Babe. We should have game night more often. ;)

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