Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Scarlett sat back and watched her son play with his uncle. How perfect was Tebias with Alek? She really was grateful to him, he made sure her son did not miss out on a father figure.

Mason, Alek's father was too much of a dead beat dad to acknowledge the kid. He had his priorities so fucked up that he didn't know up from down.

It had been six months since Scarlett last saw Mason, he had dropped her and Alek off at Tebias's house and told her to stay put and to stay the fuck out of trouble.

Scarlett needed to run, not from Yulin, or the fucking Russian army, she needed to run from Mason. The one man she had stupidly fallen in love with who couldn't give a fuck about her or their son.

She was biding her time, six months on and still biding her time. Tebias was more a fanatic about keeping her put then Mason was. No wonder Mason trusted his brother with his life.

Not that Mason or Tebias ever really saw eye to eye, but if Scarlett had learnt anything in her time around them, was that they had each other's backs no matter what.

"Hey you..." Giselle handed her a bottle of water and joined her on the decking.

"Hey..." Giselle smiled when she noticed Tebias and Alek with the horses.

"Gee's he's hot..." She said looking at Tebias all dreamy like. "A dickhead at times, but hot all the same, like effing hot." Scarlett laughed.

"Shut up... Do you know how long it's been for me? Don't sit there and flaunt your sex life, I'm dying here..." She had not been with anybody since Mason... That would be going on to almost nine months now.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry... Tell you what, I'll coax Tebias into letting us go out for dinner, a girls night, you can find yourself some dude, do the deed and nobody will be the wiser." She said smiling.

"Yeah Giselle, as tempting as that sounds, there are a number of flaws in your plan, first thing is your sex god will not allow me out, and second of all... Really, can you see me do a random?"

"You cannot wait forever... Mason is... Mason."

"How do you suppose he'll react if I fuck around genius?" She asked a frowning Giselle.

"Well, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to run..." She meant it. She was going to escape.

"How on earth are you going to do that? Tebias is... Well, from what I figured out, he's more military then Mason is... He just covers it really well." And didn't Scarlett know it?

"Giselle, seriously, what am I going to do? I cannot wait for Mason to finally lose his head and take Alek... He will do it, I know he will. He is distancing himself so it won't hurt him when he does take him away." Scarlett had a heavy feeling weighing on her heart, Mason the asshole would eventually take her son away from her.

"I... I will help you anyway I can. I know I will be going against them both... Tebias and Mason, but, I will do it for you." Scarlett would never put Giselle in the middle of it, Giselle had proven her loyalty time and time again to Scarlett.

Tebias would punish Giselle if he thought for one second that she was involved in helping Scarlett escape, not to mention what Mason would do. "I'll figure something out, for now, I'm happy that Tebias is taking on the role of a father figure. I feel so bad for Alek, how hurtful that his own father wants him only for political reasons?"

Scarlett suddenly had a lump in her throat. Fucking asshole for putting her through this. She was no fucking princess... She wanted nothing to do with any of it. Fuck Mason and fuck Yulin... And fuck the entire resistance. Fighting a fucking losing battle.

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