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Huzaifa took the slap with a clenched jaw and fisted fingers as he tried hard to control his anger. Everyone else became shocked at the outrage of Tashfeen and the fear of a possible reaction from Huzaifa.

"Don't worry because before you will get a chance, I'll do it to this myself," he murmured sternly before walking ahead, towards the exit.

He really needed a time alone to sort his emotions. After seeing Unaiza, all of his self-control became shattered. And he really wouldn't like to remain among his family and especially his father who was so ready to taunt him. Huzaifa knew he deserved every bit of these insults for bringing this over for Unaiza but right now, he had to gain strength in himself for her. He wanted her to come back to life so that he could have a chance to tell her about his feelings and shower her life with the love that she always craved but never voiced her desire.

He stepped his way through the corridor and went towards the parking. Sitting inside his car, he turned on the engine and let the vehicle take him to the nearest mosque. There was a faint dusk over the night sky. The night was exchanging with the day. Soon, the call to prayer of Fajar started reverberating in the surroundings.

Huzaifa understood that this was the only heavenly where he could spend his time alone because here none would judge him. That was the way he could ask for his Unaiza's life from the One who gave lives. The Almighty Allah unlike the humans wouldn't make him remember the fact that he was the culprit here again and again. There was a solution to his problem here. He would beg for Unaiza's life here.

Many men were already entering the mosque for prayer when he arrived there. He took meticulous and small steps toward the foyer. The environment inside was serene and holy. Imam Sahab was giving the sermon and some men had already stood at their respective places to pray while some had gone to perform ablution.

Huzaifa too strode towards the right side where the specific place of ablution was made. He crouched down in front of one of the faucets and carefully performed wudhu. It gave him a calm and comfortable feel.

By the time he reached the spot where the men were already engaged in prayer, he thought of himself as a part of all of this. Like it was the basis of him and without it, he was nothing.

Unaiza once told him that she found strength in prayers and the dhikr of Allah. Whenever she found any difficulty, she sought Allah's name and remembrance. Huzaifa might not have been a very good Muslim. He didn't pray regularly but many times he heard that Allah loved the people who asked something from HIM. Here he came to ask HIM for the health of the girl he loved the most in this world.

After the prayer, he raised his hand in the form of a dua.

"Oh Allah, I am not a good Muslim. I may have done many sins. One of them is hurting Unaiza. One of them is becoming a reason for this state of her. But she is innocent. Please give her a life. Let her love the life again. Let her come back to me. Give all her sufferings to me. I ask for YOUR miracle."

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