Twenty Nine

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Cheryll's POV;

~ Miles Manor ~

"How's it going, Mr. Reed?" I asked him.

"Ben has been under arrest for a week now, Mrs. Miles, but Morgan's yet to be discharged, only after that will he be taken into custody." He replied.

After deciding to tell our friends the secrets we held, Maria made a stunned revelation. She explained further that Morgan had once told her that every male in his family has the same chain that they custom make as soon as the child's born. He'd also said that his father lost his somewhere and couldn't go make a new one as that'd anger the elders of the family who'd warned the only designer making those chains to inform them if someone comes to make a duplicate.

After bringing this information to the police, it was confirmed that the chain indeed belonged to Morgan's father and he was immediately arrested.

"When's his discharge?" Trevor asked from beside me.

"This afternoon."

"Good, the sooner he's in, the better." I mulled.

"Yeah, I'm tired of eating homemade food daily." Trevor said.

"What? I'm not that bad of a cook now!" I hit him on his arm.

He laughed and kissed my cheek, I understood he'd teased me to lighten the tension.

Mr. Reed laughed at us and took his leave. Since Maria and Vincent's wedding, we've been busy with our visits to police station, they called us anytime they needed to record our statement. It's been a while since we hung out with our friends, but one thing that's remained constant was Trevor's love for me that seemed to intensify at nights.

He was crazy to drag me to the suite during the wedding in broad daylight! It was so embarrassing when Vincent and Mr. Reed wolf whistled, clear sign that they'd understood why Trevor took me to the suite. It wasn't until 6 pm that we left the place that day, that too because I reminded him we'd to be at the meeting at 8.

I wonder how he managed before me!

He did say it's me who makes it impossible for him to hold it in and that he's never felt the need before. That's something to be proud of, I mentally gave myself a pat of appreciation on my shoulder.

"What're you thinking about?" Trevor murmured near my ear, his tone suggestive.

I snapped out of my trance and found him very close to me on the couch, I was already half leaning back! I pushed him away and stood up.

"Have some control! Don't you've work? Anyways, I've school and need to leave if I don't wanna be late, bye!" I kissed his forehead and jumped away before he got a hold of me.

It's been 2 days since the new academic year began. I was a fresher now under the Master of Surgery course in neurology and Fiona was doing her Master of Medicine in the same department, we might also have some classes together, but not all as my study involves more practical knowledge and hers requires chemical knowledge.

~ City General Hospital ~

Today our schedules and guides will be alloted. Till morning it seemed like nothing was happening except for the general medical check-up of the students. At noon, I and Fiona were at lunch, chatting over mundane matters until a text came through from Trevor.

"Morgan's under arrest, enjoy any food you want from anywhere ;-)" I rolled my eyes.

"All right, you're free from the restrictions now, happy?"

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