chapter 15

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“Do you think he'll be mad?” a faint voice spoke up.

“Of course he's gonna be mad, we knocked him unconscious!” another responded in a harsh whisper.

“yeah but we had to! He was acting completely crazy!” the first said.

“Will you two get away from him before you wake him up!?” another familiar voice hissed.

opening my eyes I had to blink a few times to hear it. as I attempted to use my arms something held them back and I quickly realized I was restrained. grunting I shook my head before lifting it to see Nanku and Xeith who were quick to skitter away from me. 

“Too late! He's waking!” Xeith said panicked. 

Kaizen came into view and crouched down a few feet before me as I tried to assess the situation at hand. based on our familiar surroundings I could tell we were somewhere in the forest, close to the village and I was bound to a tree. 

 “Azriel, how do you feel?” He asked.

‘How do I feel? Why is he asking me such a question? Why am I tied up?!’

“I'm fine? Why am I bound?!” I asked.

I tried to recall what happened before but everything was fuzzy.

Kaizen seemed hesitant to answer as the boys stood a safe distance behind him. as if they were scared of me. ‘What in the seven moons is going on?’

another figure came over to us drawing everyone's attention as they spoke up. Markov. “how is– oh you've awoken.”

I looked at him confused before sitting up straighter, trying to hold back my growl of irritation. “Can someone tell me what's going on?!”

They all looked at each other before Tarkov came walking over. “Alita has caught a sickness, you lost control over yourself when Elazars mate and the healer demanded everyone leave the area to prevent it from spreading.”

my eyes widened and a sickening feeling stirred in my stomach. slowly bits and pieces of memories came back to me as I stared at the ground.

Alita is sick…

gritting my teeth and balling my fists I was both thankful for the restraints and extremely irritated by them. I wanted to run back to the village, find Alita and take care of her– I do not care if my life is endangered in the process! I can't lose her! I can't lose them! 

my arms and tail strained against my bindings but I did not thrash or scream at them to release me. I needed to quell the rage inside of me if I wanted to return to alitas side. 

a hand on my shoulder drew my attention back up to Markov who was crouched before me now. “Your mate is in good hands. remember Alita brought medicines from her old home. medicines that are far more effective than our own. She will be fine.” He assured me.

His words did very little to help me relax. 

“If no one's allowed to go near her because she may be contagious then why is Kora staying in the den as well? she's also carrying a kit being human like Alita, doesn't that put her in serious danger as well?” xeith spoke up.

“Kora has to stay and help because she's the only other human here, she is the only one capable of showing the healer how their human medicines work. as much as everyone dislikes the idea we have very few choices.” kaizen explained.

“For now all we can do is wait, Elazar is standing by outside the den, and as soon as there's news on Alitas condition he will alert us.” Tarkov sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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