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Watch the birds in the trees,

As you bow down on your knees.

Let the wind blow your hair,

As the birds chirp near.

Watch the sunset on this beautiful evening.

Don't ever let its beauty go to waste.

Time is short, it's your chance to live it.

Just believe and never decieve.

Listen to the waves that crash on the sand,

Enjoy every single part of the land.

Hear the trees whisper to one another,

In a sweet, sweet melody.

Watch the sunset on this beautiful evening.

Don't ever let its beauty go to waste.

Time is short, it's your chance to live it.

Just believe and never decieve.

Have you ever wondered what you would miss,

After your time on Earth is through?

Ever been stuck on a problem like glue?

Or come across something you never knew?

Have you ever watched a sun rise or set?

Ever want to travel, see other places?

Time is short, it's your time to live it.

You gotta let sadness and sorrow not scare you away.

Let the good times roll,

And the bad times fade.

Just believe and never decieve.

Are you the kind of person who lets others in?

Or are you the one to shy away from others?

Are you scared to tell people your dreams, hopes and regrets?

Do you ever forget there's no 'I' in 'team'?

Do you put yourself first?

Or ever feel like you want to burst?

Take a deep breath, and take another look.

Something good will come,

Just you wait and see.

Always forgive but never forget,

Time is short, it's your chance to live it.

It's your time to dream it,

It's your time to shine.

Take a chance, make a stand,

But most of all, live it to the best that you can.

Hold on to what you've got.

I know you can get through it.

You speak the words, but do you believe them?

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