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"Come on, just let me go."

"So you can snitch? You are fucking hilarious. Where is my money?"

"Look I don't have it- I know someone who does! Just let me go."

"You think somebody is playing?" He laughs. "You must be fucking dumb. He pointed the gun to the ground. "Where is my money. You got 3 seconds."

"Listen I don't know!-"


"I must've- left it somewhere. I could easily find it. "


"Come on, man, let's just talk this out."


I jumped in. Shooting people behind me quickly. I ran up to some guy holding a gun. He looked like he was about to shit himself. I ran up to him. Sliding down to kick the gun from his hands. Going behind him and kicked his back causing him to fall to the ground. I shot his head. I walked forward. Shot someone on the side of me.

"You thought I wouldn't catch you? ¿Eh? pequeño tigre." I said whilst holding a PPSH-41. I shot fired and tossed it behind my stash. I grabbed a TT-33 and pointed my gun.

"You gonna let him go?" I said smiling.

"This fool was supposed to pay me my money? Now why don't you be a good girl and walk along."

I gave him a cold glare. I turned around and walked off.

"Don't leave me here-!"

"She's just some prissy bitch that think she can come down on my parade huh?"

"I sure am" I shot him in the head. His body fell to the ground. I darted my eye directly at Adam.

"¿Hablas en serio? How did you get caught by some 12 year old."

"Oh come on, atleast he didn't kill me" I scoffed and pulled out a knife from my boot. I cut the rope from his feet and his hands. "Next time, I might just let you get caught." I looked him up and down.

"You know you can't help it but to save my life."

I gave him a cold glare. "Lets go. The boss is waiting for us." I picked up a M42. I looked at it. "Seriously thought they were gonna get me with this bullshit? debe ser estúpido."


I looked at Adam. "He's ridiculous. I don't need his help with this next Job. He almost- well would've died if I hadn't had showed up in time!" God my boss. What a pain in my ass. Senator Anges.

"Scarlett. I will not argue with you. If this continues you will be off of this mission and I'll have someone else take a look at it."

"I'm one of the best recruits-!" I was pissed. "Why can't I actually bring someone who is helpful?" I looked around and put my hands on my hips.

"You know what." She tossed me the file. "Look for any type of resource. Just get it done. And I need you to take care of someone for me."

I nearly cussed her out. "What?"

"He's a young guy. He was told to go to some sort of.. commitment party."

I scoffed. I looked down at the ground. I clenched my fist until they turned white. I then threw some hair back from in front of my face. I sighed. How does she expect me to do this.. I was already sick and tired. "Alright."

"The location is in the file. Make sure you get their on time. Be ready by Saturday. At 8."

I walked out of the office. Nearly punching a wall. Why did I have to babysit some kid. Why did I have to deal with this bullshit. As I was walking towards my own office I seen treavor in the mini gym. I smiled slightly and felt a bit better. I walked towards the mini gym door. "What are you doing?" Treavor looked up at me. His face lit up. I went over to give him a little hug. Treavor smiled brightly and then looked me up and down. "Where did you come from?"

"Oh. I just had to save Adam's ass from dying. He is really an idiot.."

Treavor laughed, "Yea.. he is- a dumbass." I looked at him. He was alot more comfortable to be around. I turned my head to the side and became blank faced.

Treavor looked at me. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

I just blurted shit out. "No- The boss doesn't understand. She fucking assigned me to 2 assignments. I mean I'm not complaining but she wants me to babysit and also track someone down. que carajo."

"Damn.. sounds like- you've got it hard. I could try to help?"

I look at him. I still had the file in my hand.. surprisingly. I handed it to him.

"Oh, I know this place- this is uh.. about an hour from here." Treavor said, giving me back the file.

"What? How do you-" He cut me off. "I used to have family down there. I can help if you want."

I smiled. "Fuck yea. But I gotta get this guy first. He's gonna have to come with us."

Treavor shrugged. "That's fine. I might bring a buddy with me just to.. help out and keep the look out." I looked at my fingers and then at him. "Alright.. that should be fine." I walked out of the mini gym. I walked to my office and then close the door behind me. I walked to my desk and sat down in my chair. If I'm being honest I wanted to roll around. I opened the file and read through it.

This was going to be such a long ass day. Week, actually. Maybe month.. although it doesn't take me that long to finish some "unfinished business." I cleared my throat and sighed. I threw my head back. "God I am so fucking tired. Quiero ir a casa."


I was at home. Minding my business. I had about 3 days until I actually had to leave and go look for some kid. So I had plenty of time to get set up and look for some sort of fancy dress. Would be easy.. but I just couldn't be dramatic about it. Dramatic is my middle name.. I laughed to myself. I grabbed my phone and texted Treavor. We basically text all night and all day. Whenever we don't have work. Or just whenever we have free time. He's a sweet guy. He's amazing..

Eventually I decided to feed my cat. "Aphrodite ven aqui mi preciosa" My panther, black as night, yellow eyes as gold, big enough to stand up on her backlegs and nearly be 5'7.

"Come to Mami." Aphrodite walked to me. Purring. I got up and walked to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and pulled out raw steak. I washed my hands and dried them off. I looked at Aphrodite. She's adorable. I love my cat. I tossed the steak at her. I then washed my hands again and walked to my living room.

I laid on the couch and then turned my TV on. I turned something on for some background noise. I was so tired. I looked around for a cover. I found it sitting on the side table. I forgot I had put that there. I grabbed it and covered myself up. I watched TV.

Some random.. love story. Eugh.. so fucking disgusting. Why did I turn this on? I was watching it like hell, though. "This is so stupid." I said, mumbling to myself. While I was watching TV, I sighed. "This isn't real anyway." I grabbed the remote. I was about to turn it off until a simple. "I love you." And a corny kiss to end it all off. I got pissed. Was this serious?

I really hate this movie. So much.

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