49 | cheaters, bullies, and tinkerbell

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best friends / 5sos

memories i hold to keep safe
and i live for that look on your face
i got the best friends in this place
and i'm holding on
i love to love you, for god's sake
i'm holding on

🍊 🍊 🍊

|   real life  |

real life

If Chris and I's first date to the aquarium and the beach was memorable, I think our second date took the cake.

I had only decided to take Chris out that morning once I found out that Nick, Matt, and Nate had made plans for the day, so it's not spent a lot of time planning our date, but holy mother of God I can't remember the last time I've laughed so hard.

Since Matt and Nate took his car to the movies and Marylou and Nick decided to walk to the store, Chris and I were able to use the minivan, since my car is totaled (obviously, how could I ever forget that?).

Our first stop was the bowling alley, and it immediately got off to a ridiculous start when Chris slipped mid-shot and wiped out on his ass, which caused me to choke on my food and spray nacho crumbs all over the floor.

After I destroyed Chris at bowling, we went to a nearby park to go for a walk, and I freaked out when a huge spider fell from a tree onto my face and promptly disappeared down my shirt. Not one to care about making a scene, I immediately began screeching and ripped off my shirt, attracting the attention of the many people taking advantage of the gorgeous day.

Chris quickly located the spider on my stomach and swatted it off, but even once it was gone, it took a while for him to calm me down since I had worked myself into such a fit of hysteria.

Lucky for me, the next stop on our schedule was getting frozen yogurt, and I immediately felt better when we entered the store to discover that a girl that Chris hated in high school was working there. Seeing him uncomfortable made me forget how uncomfortable I had been since I was busy laughing at him, and all was well.

At least, all was well until the girl attempted to flirt with Chris. And me being the so not possessive girlfriend that I am, I definitely did not instantly insert myself into the situation to claim Chris as mine. Unfortunately for her, the girl's perfume spelled like an old grandma's, and I immediately sneezed when I inhaled it, and that sneeze went all over her. Oops.

And so, here we are, at the final destination of our date: the swimming pool. The sun has sunk below the horizon and stars are starting to blink into existence in the midnight blue sky above. The pool is completely vacant except for Chris and I, leaving us alone to cause chaos. I texted the boys to come join us so we can all hang out before the triplets and I fly back to LA tomorrow, but until they arrive, Chris and I are lounging like the sophisticated adults we are in the pool.

"I'm telling you, there's no way you can jump further than me." I scowl at Chris from my spot at the edge of the pool and plant my hands on my hips in an attempt at a power pose. "You are a clumsy moron, and I am a talented hockey player. I can jump way further."

Despite the heat that dominated the daytime, the temperature dropped when the sun set. So when I shiver at the sight of Chris climbing out of the pool to join me, I blame the cool breeze for my goosebumps, rather than the way his muscles tense as he hoists himself up the ladder.

"But I'm taller than you," Chris counters, clearly not noticing the way I am checking him out. "Therefore, I automatically have the upper hand."

"I didn't say you didn't have the upper hand." I roll my eyes and push my dripping wet hair over my shoulder as I tear my gaze away from Chris. "I'm just saying that I'm better."

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