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A special double update because you guys are amazing and responded to the question in the last chapter .❤❤

Let's do it again and we can go with a double update tomorrow as well.

Which Male Lead of The Arranged Series do you like or relate to the most?

1) Ruhaan


3) Huzaifa

4) Izmir

"What's wrong? What are you looking at?" He asked her.

Unaiza shook her head. "Nothing."

Huzaifa grabbed her left hand and kissed her fingers one by one before he noticed the engagement ring on her ring finger.

"This ring and your finger look like a perfect match," he declared, grinning.

A shadow roamed in front of her vision. He had brought two more rings on that day. That was for Inaya; his love. Her mind stopped processing anything. Only one name lurked and that was Inaya. Unaiza tried hard not to cry in front of him.

Huzaifa pecked her pulse point. "It's been a while Iza I have been feeling surreal. A calm and peaceful which is so soothing to me. I think so and I am pretty sure that---"

Unaiza's jaw dropped because she couldn't gather the courage to hear it from his mouth. She saw it coming. She knew after Huzaifa was done with his mission to claim her body, he would bring the wish to bring his desired woman into his life. Inaya was the girl he loved and now after relishing the adventure of this game where he got Unaiza as a bait, he would want to settle with his favorite life partner.

"You must be have been talking to Inaya," she began, interrupting him.

Huzaifa gritted his brows before a few lines appeared on his forehead.

"From where did she come in between?" He asked out of irritation.

Unaiza smiled weekly. "She didn't. I came in between you both."

Huzaifa shook his head as he leaned ahead to kiss her lips. "Iza, jaan what kind of things are you saying?"

Something again shattered inside her when he called her Jaan when it wasn't true. She wasn't someone who lived in his heart.

She cupped his stubbled jaw and stroked it with her fingers. "I know Huzaifa that Aqia Mama and Tashfeen Papa will not easily accept when you will tell them that you want to marry again. But I will support you fully. I will appease them. I'll do anything for your happiness."

Huzaifa clenched his jaw. "And what do you think is my happiness, Miss Unaiza The Great?"

She became confused as he called her but then again maintained a warm smile. "Inaya. She is your happiness."

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