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P.O.V♦︎ Angela 🗡✴❇


What did Angela do to deserve this?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Which is why, it makes no sense at all for her to being slowly dying in a freaking ice maze!
See, Angela didn't know what to do, for once, her books had failed her, there was no story telling her how to get out of a treacherous death trap!

Books were supposed to know everything, and now? They seemed to know nothing, and, since they knew nothing, it just ment she would continue to slowly die, minute by minute, day by day, week by week, because there was nothing she could do.
Oh yes, and the constant voices in her head, telling her things that made no sense!
'Follow your gut'
Ahem, her gut, is currently starving.
'Do the first thing that comes to mind'

Oh yes, she would sit her and wait for rescue.
How long had she been in this maze? She didn't know.
How long had she been stuck slowly dying? No clue.
See, endless books give you a headache, everywhere she turned, Books. Books. Books. Oh! Is that a scroll? No! More books!
And none of them told her how to get out of here, this place is torture.

Angela was taught to stay calm, be perfect, read a book!
Well, screw that, because she already was going insane!
She would die here.
Thats for sure.
And nothing she did would be able to prevent it from happening.
She would die cold, and alone, and she would never see her parents again, and-
Will you shut up!?
What was that?
Ahem, hello, welcome to being insane, please turn left.
She was insane.
Thats it.
Oh my god, your impossible!
Was she insane or not?
Ok then, why was she listening to this stupid voice anyway? It didn't know anything.
Well, I'm your only chance at
So what? She would die here, sane or not.
Well, with that attitude you will.
How did she know she wasn't already insane? And she wasn't hallucinating?
You don't.
Your not helping your case.
Wasn't trying to.
Thats it! Angela pushed herself off the ground, and brushed her dress off, she grabbed her book bag and repositioned her tiara, and started walking, taking random turns and singing at the top of her lungs to block out the voice.

"Will you shut up!?" Angela screamed, stomping her foot.

Why would I do that? I got you moving didn't I?
What the...

"You tricked me!" Angela huffed, A strand of hair falling into her face, she pulled it behind her ear "ugh!"

"Who are you talking to?" Elsa's voice asked

"None of your business!" Angela shot back, rolling her eyes
"Has she gone insane?" Jacks voice asked

"No! And for your information, I am most definitely sane!" Angela yelled to the sky, and continued walking.

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