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School was awesome, and I only had one friend, and that is Carter Roman. An alpha werewolf is my friend, and it was like a dream of mine.

I couldn't get over the fact that I talked to a werewolf today and that I didn't get hurt at all.

All day, Carter was with me, and he helped me with my books for science class and Carter is my science partner, so we have a science project do and we need to think about what we are going to do.

So I invited Carter over to the Pride Land so we can study and come up with a plan for our science project.

But I need to tell dad that I have a friend coming over to study with me and to come up with a science project.

So I got to dad's office, and I made sure to knock because my siblings told me that they walked right into dad's office and saw both him and mom making love.

Now, remind you, my siblings would do something like that, but momma and dad should know to lock the door.

Russ told me that he was around 4 years old and he had a nightmare, so he walked into mommas and dad's room. Now, remind you, Russ is 4 years old, so imagine you're a 4 year old kid. What do you think that kid is thinking about something like why Daddy is hurting mommy.

Ivan:"Who is it." Dad yelled out, and I know that he is stressed out because he is running a whole pride.

Momma, she helps Daddy with paperwork and all of that stuff.

Ryder:"It's me, Daddy Ryder, your youngest son who you treat as a princess." Even though Retha is the only girl here, daddy would treat both me and Retha as princesses.

Retha doesn't like to be treated as a princess she wants to be treated like a warrior or a hunter for the pride.

Ivan:"Uhhhhh, hold on, princess ok because right now me and your mama are doing something." Daddy said, and this is the awesome time. Have a little fun with the situation.

Ryder:"I'm going to be a big brother. Yes, thank you, moon goddess, you're the best goddess I know." I started to laugh because of what I said, and I could tell momma was blushing like crazy.

Wendy:"Ryder sweetheart, you know that I got fixed after having Rory, Ray, and you right." Momma asked, and she always told me this story, but hey, I like having fun once in a while.

Ryder:"Yeah, I know, momma, but I like to have fun, and what better way than this." I could hear them putting on their clothes so I couldn't see anything, and if I did, someone better get me some bleach or something to unsee that.

And just thinking about it well its not help, so you know someone knocked some since into me, please.

Ivan:"You can come in now. Ryder, me and your mom have our clothes back on." Thank moon goddess for that.

I walked inside dad's office, and sure enough, they had their clothes on.

So I sat down in the chair that dad has in his office for when he talks to someone.

Wendy:"How was your first day of school, sweetie pie." Momma said and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

Ryder:"It was great. I love the classes that I'm in, oh, and I made my very first friend, and he made sure nothing bad happened to me." I said, and the look on my dad's face says something along the line,'my princess, a friend, and it's a dude.'

I love my siblings and dad, but sometimes they get a little too overprotective with me, and I don't have friends because of this, but my family means well.

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