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H.Hook & H.Hearts.

A Princess And A Pirate'Who cares what the others say? I don't

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A Princess And A Pirate
'Who cares what the others say? I don't.'

V.Miller & A.of Camelot.

The Alchemist and the Princess'Everything has a scientific explanation, even magic

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The Alchemist and the Princess
'Everything has a scientific explanation, even magic.'

P.Hood & J.of Camelot

The Thief and The Prince'Opposite's really do attract'

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The Thief and The Prince
'Opposite's really do attract'

M.Fairy & B.beast

The Fairy and The Prince'I'd sleep for 100 years if it meant waking up to your lips on mine'

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The Fairy and The Prince
'I'd sleep for 100 years if it meant waking up to your lips on mine'

In memory of Carlos
'I'd sleep 101 years of it meant Carlos was there when I got up.'-
Hayden Hearts.
'I'll protect this dog if it's the last thing I do'-
Evie Queen
'I'll buy 101 puppies, and give them each a name tag that says 'Jarlos''-
Jane godmother.
'I'll always let someone eat some of my birthday cake, just so I can yell: "who got into Janes cake?"'-
Hayden Hearts
'Sometimes, I wake up, and think he's just visiting the isle, and he'll be back soon, then I remember, he'll never come back'-
Mal Fairy
'Every time I score a goal for tourney, I think "for Carlos"'-
'sometimes I can't even look at Dude because it reminds me too much of the first time me and carlos ever had a real conversation'-
Ben Beast.


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