Part 1 ~ 12 Hour Challenge

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yesterday, i spotted a wattpad dare telling me to try and hold my pee for an entire day. usually i have a super small bladder but its okay because i dont usually drink a whole lot of water ever. the dare said that i had to drink one cup of water every 30 minutes, and to try and hold it for 12 hours without having an accident. that's the whole day! but i was super certain that i would be able to do it.

i say "was" in the past tense, because today i woke up and decided to commit to the dare. i went pee in the morning just to empty my bladder enough to start, and i had my first glass of water at 7:00. it's 9:00 now, and i am squirming in my seat while writing this. im feeling less confident by the second and my stomach keeps gurgling with how quickly i have been chugging my 30 minute glasses of water. ive only drank like four cups, but i feel so uncomfortable already. im hoping itll go away soon and that im just experiencing a weird first wave or something.

its now almost 9:30 and im still squirming real bad. i feel super bloated with all the water ive been drinking, and i really really need to use the toilet. im now wearing a pair of tighter pants that dont fit me anymore just in case i have an accident. i dont want to ruin one of my good pairs of pants. but the tight pants are putting a lot of pressure on my bladder, and i cant move much without feeling like im going to pee myself. i hope i can last long enough for the urge to go away. ill update you!

its 10:00 now and im really struggling. i dont think the pain in my bladder is gonna go away and my tummy is gurgling again. its super difficult to move around without feeling like im gonna have an accident. ive been laying in bed for the bast hour or so and i cant stop myself from grabbing at my crotch under the blanket. i didnt know holding in your pee could be this painful.

i completely forgot i had to stop by the store today to get things for dinner, but it's 10:30 and i can barely move. on my way to get water i was crossing my legs and jumping in place. it was so hard to hold it in while i heard the tap running. my mummy is going to be home around 12:00, and thats when i need to get the groceries by, but i dont think i can make it.

at 11:00 ive changed from being in bed to sitting at the dining room table. i cant hold it in without wiggling and holding my crotch. its hard to type with one hand. i really wanted to have a shower before i go to the store, so i think im gonna go do that and see if it helps at all. my bladder really really hurts and i feel like if i stand up ill pee myself. my crotch feels really warm and i dont know why, but i think it has something to do with how long ive been holding it.

its basically 11:30 and i just got back from making a huge mess. i really wanna lie and say that i was able to have a shower without having an accident but i failed the challenge. as soon as i got finished writing the my last update i stood up and i instantly felt my urge to pee get worse. i left my phone on the table and pit both of my hands on my crotch. i kept telling myself that once i had a shower it would start to hurt less. i was so wrong. as i got to the bathroom i yanked open the door and honestly headed straight for the toilet. but i was able to stop myself from sitting down because i thought i could hold it just a bit longer. i shut the toilet seat, which was a really bad idea, before i turned on the shower. i was pacing as i water for the water to get warm and i could feel the pee begging to leave me. i thought i could make it but the sounds of the shower made my urge even worse. i reached into the shower to test how warm it had gotten, and that was when i felt a tiny warm spot in my pants. i remember saying "nononono!", even though there was nobody in the bathroom with me. i put my other hand on my crotch and leaned forward to try and stop myself from peeing, but my body didnt listen. i felt so humiliated and gross as my tinkle became a flow of pee down my leg. i leaned on the wall and sighed with relief as my pee continued. i could hardly feel anything but embarrassing joy as my bladder lost control and continued to empty in my pants and into the floor. it felt so nice to finally let go of all of that pressure. When i opened my eyes i realized how drenched my pants really were and the puddle of pee on the ground below me. its embarrassing and gross i know, but it felt so good to let go of all of that. i realized i didn't have any towels or spare clothes. but i thought it would be best to update you now. im still in my wet pants, and i just noticed that they are still dripping with my pee. i dragged it all around the house to get to my phone. i have a big mess to clean up..

by the way, if you have any dares for me to do next make sure to comment them! i can make a new chapter based on your dare and how i did, ill do basically anything.
but i do have a really little bladder, obviously, so i might fail any pee challenges.. sorry in advance :((

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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