┆ ° ♡ • ➵ 𝐀 ...𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧?✩ ◛ °

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 As (Y/n) stepped through the threshold, the celestial energies that composed their being shimmered and shifted, taking on a more subdued form suitable for the mortal world.

Emerging on the other side, (Y/n) found themselves in a vibrant forest of the Magic Realm, her human guise covering her proper form. "Whoa..." They breathed as their eyes absorbed the surrounding landscape of lush green trees and bushes. "So this is what... mortals call a forest, huh?" The gender-neutral celestial being's eyes sparkled in awe and astonishment. "It's so... beautiful up close." Their eyes landed on a few squirrels feasting on nuts and a deer chewing pieces of Earth. "Hmm..." They quietly approached the animals that were occupied with chewing their food.

The animals, startled by the celestial being's presence, looked at her with surprise and caution. (Y/n) approached one of the deers and held out a hand. The deer, initially recoiling in instinct, began sniffing and licking her hand. They gently gave it some chin rubs and soon some neck scratches as it let out a small bleat in enjoyment. "...I wonder if all animals are this friendly." They muttered, their voice filled with a sense of wonder.

Continuing their exploration, (Y/n) soon discovered a large, fresh lake teeming with bugs and small amphibians. The celestial being looked down at the water and spotted a few frogs sitting on lily pads and several axolotls swimming. "Hmm..." They extended a finger toward a four-legged amphibian. The frog, unperturbed, blinked until the finger poked it, eliciting a defensive scream. "What?" (Y/n) poked the frog again, their curiosity getting better as it screamed once more. She reeled back and kept poking it, which kept screaming as it kept being jabbed at softly.

As (Y/n) continued to poke the frog gently, their expression shifted from curiosity to amusement. The frog's persistent screams seemed almost comical against the backdrop of the serene forest. Chuckling softly to themselves, (Y/n) couldn't help but find the situation oddly endearing.

"Sorry, little guy. I didn't mean to startle you," (Y/n) murmured, withdrawing their finger and offering the frog a reassuring smile. "I guess not all creatures appreciate a friendly poke."

The frog, seemingly satisfied that the poking had ceased, settled back onto its lily pad with a contented croak. (Y/n) watched it for a moment longer before turning their attention back to the rest of the lake, their eyes alight with curiosity once more.

When they wandered along the water's edge, (Y/n) couldn't help but marvel at the diversity of life around them. Each creature they encountered, from the smallest insect to the largest deer, seemed to hold a unique charm and beauty.

"Aw, aren't you just a cute little... axolotl!" They grinned at the four-legged amphibian. (Y/n) pushed her hand through the water's surface as the salamander swam towards the giant limb. It looked at the hand for some time before gently placing its sticky hand onto the soft skin.

The axolotl's tiny, delicate fingers tickled (Y/n)'s hand as it explored, its eyes wide with curiosity. (Y/n) couldn't help but giggle at the sensation, feeling a warmth spreading through them at the innocent interaction.

"You're quite the curious little one, aren't you?" (Y/n) murmured, their voice soft and gentle. They watched with fascination as the axolotl examined their hand, its movements slow and deliberate.

Suddenly, a splash nearby caught their attention, and (Y/n) turned to see a group of fish darting through the water. Mesmerized by the shimmering scales and graceful movements, they couldn't resist the urge to reach out and try to touch them.

As their fingers brushed against the water, the fish scattered, startled by the sudden movement. (Y/n) sighed softly, realizing their mistake.

"Oops, sorry about that," they said apologetically, watching the fish slowly return to their previous positions. "I didn't mean to startle you."

Despite the mishap, (Y/n) couldn't shake the wonder and awe that filled them as they continued to explore the magical forest. Each encounter with the creatures of the Magic Realm only deepened their appreciation for the beauty and diversity of the natural world.

But before they could dwell further in their thoughts, they heard the distant sound of pumping iron. (Y/n) gently put the axolotl back into the water and stood up to follow the noise of where it came from.

While moving through bushes, the noises got louder, and (Y/n) was confused when she saw two deer frozen in place, trembling. "Hey, what's wrong?" They softly whispered to the two. The two mammals didn't respond, shaken up from the sight before them. "What...?" The (h/c)-haired person looked in the direction of where the two were staring at. "...Ha?" The gender-neutral person could only blink in confusion and astonishment at what they were looking at.

It was a handsome, pale-skinned (with a slight tan) young man of average height. His black hair was styled in a bowl cut with bangs swept to the right, and he had yellow eyes. He wore a black bodysuit with white shorts over it and was barefoot. He was holding a giant weight and was pumping iron at a rapid and inhuman pace. "So... this is a proper human? Not those mortals with markings?" (Y/n) watched in awe. They looked back at the deer, still trembling at the sight.

(Y/n) couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and confusion as they observed the young man's intense workout routine. The contrast between his seemingly mundane appearance and the extraordinary strength and speed he exercised was striking.

Approaching cautiously, (Y/n) tried to reassure the trembling deer while keeping an eye on the mysterious figure. "It's okay," they murmured soothingly, hoping to calm the animals. "He seems... different, but not necessarily dangerous."

The deer seemed to relax slightly at (Y/n)'s words, though they remained wary of the young man's presence. Turning their attention back to the workout, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and intrigue.

"What drives him to push himself so hard?" they wondered aloud, watching as the young man continued his intense training regimen with unwavering determination.

As they observed, (Y/n) noticed a bead of sweat glistening on the young man's brow, his muscles straining with effort as he quickly lifted the weight. Despite his focused expression, he emanated a sense of raw power and potential, which intrigued (Y/n) even further.

"Perhaps he's training for a purpose," they mused, their mind swirling with questions and possibilities. "Or maybe he's seeking to challenge his limits."

Lost in thought, (Y/n) almost didn't notice when the young man finally paused, setting the weight down with a heavy thud. The man ate a delicious cream puff with a stoic expression. "Nothing like a cream puff after pumping iron." He muttered to himself out loud.

"...What?" (Y/n) tilted their head in confusion. They rubbed their eyes, trying to understand what transpired, but the man noticed their presence.

The two stared at each other for a moment, a silent exchange of curiosity and intrigue passing between them. Then, with a slight nod of acknowledgment, the young man turned and disappeared into the forest's depths, leaving (Y/n) to ponder the encounter.

Watching him go, (Y/n) couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to the young man, and their meeting was just the beginning of a much larger journey. With anticipation and excitement, they turned and followed the young man's trail. 

𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝕯𝖎𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖊 (𝖁𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘!𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍𝖑𝖊 𝖝 (𝕲𝖔𝖉?)𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗)Where stories live. Discover now