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(Content warning for mentions of an offscreen suicide (and one of the characters being a dick abt it)
Oh, and brief h*ndholding)

"Wake up, you miserable wretches!"
My head jerked up, snapping side to side to survey the noisy interruption, only to notice the tv in my room showing Tatsu's insufferable mug hogging up the entire screen. I had to close my eyes for a moment and feel my heart rate go down. There goes my quiet morning.

"This is the totally prerecorded morning announcement! This is your sign to wake up and do something productive! Preferably a crime. Hint hint." She was in a room surrounded by monitors and flashy looking tech button that I had no clue as to what they were even called.

She was uncomfortably still for a while before she got up to turn whatever she was filming this "prerecorded video" with off.

I ultimately rubbed the sleep from my eyes and got ready to freshen up in the restroom provided in my suite and my check my suitcase, unsurpried to find thats been tampered with- my alternative outfits were replaced with identical sets of clothes that I've worn yesterday, along with-

Shoot, was that my phone!? I picked up two small retectangles riddled with shattered glass. Talk about overkill.

And- great, now my hair dye is missing too!

"Damn it!" How petty can a captor even be!? I knew I should've gone about dying it sooner!

Shaking off the spike of annoyance that flared up, I trudged to the bathroom to get ready.


I left my room, managing to bump into Yuji, who looked as radient as ever, a sign for me to knick the habit of having these absurdly long morning routines.

"You looked miffed." Yuji quirked a brow.

Ever the observer. "Im fine." I bat my hand over my mouth as a yawn washed over me.

"...Are you though?"

"What's it to you? You're hardly an associate to me."

Yuji scoffed. "Hardly is a bit of a stretch. Am I not allowed to be concerned?"

"What for?" I deadpanned.

"Ugh." He ran his fingers through his annoyingly silky smooth hair. "Not this again. What are you paranoid about now?"

"It's not everyday the guy that terrorizes ne on a daily basis shows concern."

"I am many things, but I am NOT a bully," he stopped in front of me. "You started it, anyway, with the whole Saeko situation!"

"Would it kill you to not bring her up?"

"Not until you just admit the fact that you made her cut contact with me!" He accused.

"She told me she didn't want to see anyone anymore." I barked. "That was nearly 4 years ago!"

"Right, and I should believe her absolute witch of a sister." Yuji smirked. "She says you make her life hell, and now im starting to see why. You're a friendless hack who thinks she's too good for basic compassion."

"Said." I corrected.

His smirk dropped. "What?"

"You're still using her in the present tense, right?" I cupped my chin. "But she's dead. So it would be said."

"I've never raised a hand against a woman, Sayuri." he brought his hand close to the wall beside me. He was so close that I could smell his pricey toothpaste breath passing through his lips with every control intake of breath he took. "Dont be the first."

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