13. Candid Coffee

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Third Person's POV :

" I told you guys ages ago! IT'S A DATE! MONICA AND EM-MMMHH"

Before Angelina could utter her next words, she was interrupted by a hand covering her mouth, resulting in her letting out unintelligible, muffled sounds. Well, it must be clear as day, that it was unmistakably Monica Williams' hand as she was sparing no effort in getting her friends to shut the 'crap' up, and generously leave her in peace. The very moment she had informed the three of them about her latest conversation with Emily Rhodes, the girls had gone wild-absolutely hysterical.

"Keep it DOWN, Angelina Morgan. You guys are such.Ughh"-Monica took a deep breath, shutting her eyes tightly and calmed her vexed nerves, before continuing, rather flatly-" You three monkeys are creating a scene." With that being said, Monica withdrew her hand from Angelina's mouth and began walking away, heedlessly towards her destination, the gateway, thus leaving her friends behind.

Their last class, 'Monotonous Math'-as they liked to call it-was finally over, and it was in this class, that Monica had narrated to her buddies, the entire episode with Emily Rhodes. And it was also since then, that her dear comrades, Sienna Reynolds, Angelina Morgan, and Anastasia Delaney, had officially lost their mental stability. Well, it couldn't be said otherwise. Sienna and Anastasia were practically about to go, distribute wedding invitations and Angelina was fake-shedding tears like a proud, old mother.

"Uh-huh gurlie, don't you fucking dare deny what's already been proven!" Angelina announced triumphantly, already exuberant with the thought of getting her hoplessly-antiromantic-friend a lover, finally!

Her friends had soon managed to catch up with her quick strides as Monica internally cursed at her failed attempt to get away from their interminable teasing.

"I second whatever my sweet love says."-passing a subtle wink at Angelina, who blushed red, Sienna continued-"It's high time you finally admit it, Mou, you like her. It's evident gurl! You're trying too hard, to hide it, at this point. Don't push it." Sienna commented with her trademark smirk, which Monica so, wished to rub off her face now, and a roguish wink, following suit. Monica couldn't help but dejectedly roll her eyes.

"I second whatever these two say." Anastasia chirped in brightly.

"Of course Ana, you're their marriage officiant!-Monica deadpanned, violently pointing her index finger, first at Sienna, then at Angelina, before continuing-"you can never disagree with them" She spat, each word dripping with sarcasm, before abruptly stopping in her tracks, making her gang nearly bump into each other.

"Oh sweet Mou, I'll be your marriage officiant too. I love my job dearly. " Anastasia continued, in her own sweet bubble, enthusiastic at her friend's progress in 'love'. However all three of their bubbles were popped, ultimately, at the lack of an angry response from Monica, whom they all loved to tease.

"Mou-Mo..... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh" That's when it clicked! Why wouldn't Monica Williams respond to her friends, whom she loved more than her dear life? The answer was standing right in front of their eyes, just a few feet way. Following Monica's still gaze, they saw the most anticipated, Emily Rhodes, waiting by the gateway, evidently for the café 'date' with their dear friend. While Monica's eyes were fixated on Emily's distant figure, the remaining three friends looked at each other cheekily-Their next assignment was understood!

Clearing her throat, Sienna declared "Sooo, this is where we leave you, Mou. Hope you won't disappoint us." With that, being said, Sienna, Angelina and Anastasia , took a step back, and one more, followed by another and, ultimately, turning on their backs, they dashed away giggling hysterically, whilst leaving a dumbfounded Monica behind, who helplessly debated her choice of friends.

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