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My alarm blared.

And when I say blared,I mean it was LOUD.

Or that was just cause I had my headphones ib blue toothed to my alarm..


I desperately tried to grab them from my ears,that took like five minutes.ugh.

I set my alarm extra early,so my mom would be in a hungover-slumbered state.As I got out of bed,my whole body throbbed due to my mothers abuse from a week or two ago.
I got ready as quietly as possibly and tip toed downwards on the staircase.

I heard noise,shifting,from my 'moms' room and stopped dead in my tracks.

Then,I heard her,well felt it more than heard it.her movements shook the house as she approached,I turned around ready to-


She threw a Broken bottle at me.


She still looked drunk as blood spilled from my skull,maybe she wasn't as asleep as I thought.

I began to run down the stairs as she just stood there,glaring.I didn't feel like speaking as I struggled with the door a bit finally got out and began to run to school.Completely forgetting about my throbbing skull impacted from the broken glass.

Obviously,running to school was a horror when you were bleeding,felt like hell,and were already exhausted. By the time I got there Blood had trickled down to my collarbones shirt, my hair was messed up,and school had started.

I was running down the halls due to stamina and couldn't stop.I looked back to make sure the door shut,when,well,this is rather embarrassing..

I ran into..Alejandro's chest.

I stumbled back and the looked up at him,I'm a bit slow,so it took me a minute to realize what happened.He looked shocked?maybe worried,for some reason.

"Oh-OH,god I am so sorr-" she struggled to get up,out of the blue he grabbed her hand pulled her up,took her head and tilted it to the side looking at the wound,

"You're bleeding.Outbof your goddamn skull." Was all he said.

She smiled awkwardly, "Uhm.."

"Fuck,are you okay?!" He sounded concerned,this scared her.

"Yea-h it's just a little scratch.." she began to sway a bit,and stumble.

Alejandro's caught her, "I'm gonna take you to the nurse,okay Mi amor?" She didn't have a response.Her exhaust,and blood loss was really starting to get to her...

The world went black.


Guysss,isn't it crazy?!I updated...omg!!

It's okay,you don't need to laugh.

Don't forget to be kind to yourself,


Dancing on glass~an aleheather storyWhere stories live. Discover now