Part 9 // I don't want help

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(A/n maybe I'm projecting and I have no idea if I'm catra or adora but enjoy the angst that comes from my brain)

Adora had not been allowed to attend the meeting Hordak had called. She was held in a near empty chamber, sitting on an uncomfortable, shabby metallic bench from where she glared dangerously at the guard at the doorway. Some no-faced, fully suited jerk keeping her away from finding out if she would be released to Catra's supervision... or not. Adora let her gaze shift down to her cuffed wrists. The glowing green band between the metal cuffs irritated her. Everything irritated her. Waiting irritated her.

A day in the cell. Another day in a larger, solitary prison cell to wait. Being stared down by Horde soldiers with prodding tasers and little guns that a part of her knew couldn't hurt her. The same part of her that Catra hated the most.


The reason they had been separated. The reason Catra had had to sleep alone for more than a year. The reason things weren't the same, and she had no one in the world.

But she has to be impressed with how I handled that rebel scum.

It was a part of her wishful thinking, which tended to be more destructive in the long run, but all she had was that false hope. Catra refused to communicate with her in a normal way. She responded to Adora's violence and rebellion though.

"Are there any updates?" Adora demanded, tired of squinting at her wrists as she looked up to the guard in the hall.
The large, brutish looking soldier ignored her. They always did.

"It's way way too long." Adora complained after a moment. "She- they should have already-"

She paused as she heard the faint clacking of footsteps on metal. She leaned towards the doorway with a hopeful expression, and was surprised to see Force Captain Scorpia standing with her red tail curled behind her back, saluting the guard.

"Grizzlor." Scorpia put her arm down and glanced at Adora. She looked less than happy to see the shorter girl.

Oh... Grizzlor. Explains the fur sticking out of his uniform. Adora observed.

Grizzlor saluted his Force Captain as well and gargled something gruffly at her.

"Oh, fine, fine! Just... Here to get the prisoner." She was clearly trying to look nonchalant, but there was something suspicious about her.

She's Catra's closest friend, come to think of it. Adora let her eyes burn into Scorpia's features.

Grizzlor did not question Scorpia, only stepping aside to let the princess enter and scoop Adora to her feet by her arm. Adora winced as her claws pinched at her wound.

"Yikes! I'm sorry, I don't- uhh, sorry!" Scorpia fidgeted, forced herself to relax, and then dropped Adora's arm.

"I-I mean... I trust that you'll follow me? Or actually, walk in front of me. Yeah." Scorpia stammered.

Adora raised an eyebrow at the fumbling excuse for a Horde captain. Was this the company Catra had replaced her with? Whatever. If she was being taken to Catra, she might as well cooperate. Adora nodded, giving Scorpia her best unimpressed stare. Scorpia rubbed a claw behind her head very awkwardly, then shuffled Adora out of the room.

"Where is she?" Adora asked as soon as they were trekking alone down a dim, green-lit corridor.

Scorpia looked surprised. "Oh, you know she's here?"

Adora turned around to watch where she was putting her feet. "Of course she's here. She has to be."

Scorpia sounded strained as she replied.
"Yeah... I don't normally just... do this. But I think it would be best for both you and Catra."

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